The Apple Universal Dock Versus The iPhone 4 Dock

Bringing in a new phone like the iPhone 4 was all it took to also offer up a dock for it as well.  It doesn’t matter that I have numerous other docks in my personal belongings, you just have to figure with a new style phone you’ll have to invest in a new dock for… Continue reading The Apple Universal Dock Versus The iPhone 4 Dock

The H30 HD Compact Camcorder

Small Review: Depending on if you want something to use specifically for your families personal use or something more than just a compact camcorder, may be the determining factor on whether or not  this is something for you or not. This is a top-notch camera no matter how you look at it.

Limited but Still Useful Baby Explorer for iPad

Although you may not be at the stage of your life where entertaining babies is something you need to consider, the majority of people will know that, no matter how expensive and elaborate a plaything you’ve bought for ta child and dutifully handed over, they will want whatever mundane object you have in your hands… Continue reading Limited but Still Useful Baby Explorer for iPad

Why You Shouldn’t Compare a Camera To a Tank

There are often reviews about how the sleek and compact camera is built like a tank. They can be used in many extreme situations, and will often be incredibly durable no matter who is handling them. Although, a tank has to be handled by an expert, and this does not leave room for any other… Continue reading Why You Shouldn’t Compare a Camera To a Tank

The Single Lens Reflex Camera Can Be Worth a $700 Price Tag

$700 seems like an extortionate amount of money to spend on a single lens reflex camera. However, with the many functions and features the digital variety offers on the market today, the investment may prove to be a worthy choice for any photographer no matter the experience level. Many companies are bringing out new and… Continue reading The Single Lens Reflex Camera Can Be Worth a $700 Price Tag

Networking Can be Versatile With an Ethernet Storage Disk

If you are tired of clogging up your machine with extra files, or having to constantly move or delete unused files across several platforms, you may find it necessary to upgrade to a host server. This leaves your computer free for use, and your files can be stored and transferred to any platform you are… Continue reading Networking Can be Versatile With an Ethernet Storage Disk

Mark Zuckerberg And His ‘Open World’

Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, has always talked about making the world a more open place, by connecting people together and sharing information about them. Then again, Facebook was created with an intention to provide people to share information among private groups, without strangers being able to bother them. Isn’t this a conflicting matter?… Continue reading Mark Zuckerberg And His ‘Open World’

Does the Delay of the White iPhone 4 matter?

While the shiny black iPhone 4 has sold well on the market, some people are still waiting on the white edition of the phone. The bad news here is that the wait has been made even longer with its release being postponed till the spring of 2011. During a press briefing, iPhone CEO, Steve Jobs… Continue reading Does the Delay of the White iPhone 4 matter?

10 Reasons Why Web Programmers Fail to Improve Themselves

No one was born as skilled web programmer, so don’t worry if you make too many mistakes at first, but it shouldn’t prevent you from improving yourself. These are ten reasons why many web programmers stay mediocre:

Reasons for Samsung’s Confidence in Galaxy Tab

The tablet market is noticeably becoming a place where many consumers are migrating. Steve Jobs was right, iPad sales are quite successful. As a matter of fact, in just three months, the company sold over four million iPad units. And when we consider the $499 price tag, Apple was able to earn some serious profit… Continue reading Reasons for Samsung’s Confidence in Galaxy Tab