World’s Oldest Working Car Sells For $4.62 Million

Before this morning if you were to ask me what century or even decade we saw the first motor car I would have guessed at the 1910s – I would have been very wrong. Indeed, I have come to find that motor cars running on steam have been around for over 240 years, with Nicolas-Joseph… Continue reading World’s Oldest Working Car Sells For $4.62 Million

Why Two Screens Are Better Than One

In the modern working office, millions of employees spend large periods of the day looking at a computer screen, trying to perform a number of functions at any given time. The machine has become a must-have, of course, but its regular use does have the occasional disadvantage, the main one being the possible effect on… Continue reading Why Two Screens Are Better Than One

5 Things To Look For When Buying A Mobile Phone

I think that your current mobile seriously does not suit your lifestyle anymore, does it? This is because if it would be suitable to your lifestyle, you might not be bothered to read this article. Because you have already started reading, it is sure that you are looking for a mobile phone that would make… Continue reading 5 Things To Look For When Buying A Mobile Phone

Daily Deals Sites And The Travel Industry

The group-buying phenomenon, which continues to attract unprecedented levels of consumer interest in daily deals websites since their emergence in 2008, has proven to be a viable sales and marketing model within the travel and tourism industries.

Google Stalking Yahoo

Internet news and search engine site Yahoo has been struggling to compete with companies like Facebook, Microsoft and Google for years, and now rumors are circulating that it may be looking to throw in the towel. Yahoo’s over-the-phone termination of CEO Carol Bartz in early September made waves with stockholders and execs alike, and left… Continue reading Google Stalking Yahoo

The Untitled Jersey City Project

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Untitled Jersey City Project for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. The Untitled Jersey City Project sounds like just another lame outing in the seemingly endless list of Jersey-centric shows; presently hogging the airwaves. Fortunately, for the producers (and whatever little remains of my… Continue reading The Untitled Jersey City Project

Digital Photo Frames And Hotels

Digital Photo Frames and Hotels Businesses large and small are discovering that they can do commercial advertising with a simple and affordable tool–the digital photo frame. A hotel could easily benefit from using a digital photo frame whether they have one person at the check in desk or five. They can also be used in… Continue reading Digital Photo Frames And Hotels

Google Reader Receives Long Awaited Upate

Google announced today on their Reader blog that new changes will be coming to the oft-neglected RSS feed service. The first of the major changes is that Google Reader will be receiving the major facelift that all other Google products have received. In addition, Google announced that Reader and Google+ will be getting better integration,… Continue reading Google Reader Receives Long Awaited Upate

New Leaked Video Shows Sweeping Changes Coming To Gmail

Google’s web-based email service may soon be getting a set of sweeping changes if a new video leaked onto YouTube is to be believed. The video was originally shared on YouTube and not marked private, where users quickly grabbed it and re-uploaded it to their own accounts. The video shows Jason Cornwell–a member of the… Continue reading New Leaked Video Shows Sweeping Changes Coming To Gmail

Digital Photo Frames And Retail Stores

Digital Photo Frames and Retail Stores Digital photo frames are a great tool for any manager or business owner who works in retail. They are affordable, and you can find large fifteen inch frames for around $175. This size of frame is a great option for in house advertising because they look great, and they… Continue reading Digital Photo Frames And Retail Stores