Smart Phone Product Buzz

Well every one knows what are smart phones and what are they capable off. But for starters they are cell phones which are armed with awesome OS most of the Smartphone has android as their OS. Good QWERTY pad, decent camera plus they are blessed with touch screen. Many can do multitasking very well and… Continue reading Smart Phone Product Buzz

Apple Product Buzz

Apple Inc is well known for their hardware products which include the Macintosh chain of PCs, the iPod, the iPhone and also the iPad. Whereas Apple softwares include the Mac OS X which is an operating system, the iTunes media browser and many other famous products easily found on the net. Apple in some sense… Continue reading Apple Product Buzz

HP Product Buzz

Hewlett-Packard better known as HP is an American multinational information technology based corporation. HP is specialized for the development and manufacture of computers, data storing devices, and communication plus network devices, HP products are always one of the best and the company has an overall good reputation due to its delivering services. Below are some… Continue reading HP Product Buzz

Samsung Product Buzz

Samsung is very famous for its cell or rather smart phones and computers etc. Their products are always unique and bring a lot of variety for the user. In this buzz some of their well known products are mentioned below.