How The Consumer Privacy Bill Of Rights Will Affect Small Business Marketing

If you’re a small business owner, you may think that the recent introduction of the Obama Administration’s Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights doesn’t apply to you or your venture. But the truth is that it does. And understanding how it could impact your business is of the utmost importance. Will You Be Limited? The first… Continue reading How The Consumer Privacy Bill Of Rights Will Affect Small Business Marketing

The Asus Eee PC 1008P Seashell (Karim Rashid Collection) Pros and Cons – Points to Consider Before Buying One

Computer gadgets such as Laptops and other computer related accessories are rampant in the market nowadays. Because they are highly produced by major companies, a Laptop or Cell phone model can be obsolete in just a few months since you bought them. Like any other old laptops that have rose its way to stardom, there… Continue reading The Asus Eee PC 1008P Seashell (Karim Rashid Collection) Pros and Cons – Points to Consider Before Buying One

Create the Extraordinary With Corel KPT Collection

Are you a professional designer? Or do you just like editing images so much? Enthusiasts of image editing always wants to explore the internet to find the right sort of software for an all-in-one image editing. There are a lot of choices but you could get most of those editing materials individually.

The iPhone App and Funny Status Updates

Funny status is an app that used to provide updates from Facebook. It works as an application from without the iphone that merges with facebook to allow users to send jokes, view pictures and enjoy intelligent quotes. The funny status updates for face book is appealing for those who send out updates often, without much… Continue reading The iPhone App and Funny Status Updates

An innovative Music Manager and Jukebox: Jajuk

Music manager software programs are increasingly getting popular; some of them have a limited set of options but some are real feature rich allowing users to toy around with their music archive having loads of options embedded in them. Music Managers are always very much helpful if you are a music lover and are always… Continue reading An innovative Music Manager and Jukebox: Jajuk