What Sets The iphone5 Apart From The Competition?

It seems that everyone is anticipating the release of the new iPhone 5 and many may be wondering just what makes this phone so much better than the old iPhone. The burning question is whether it is worth it to buy this newest phone. Many seem to think it is. The five newest features on… Continue reading What Sets The iphone5 Apart From The Competition?

Essential DSLR Accessories

Getting your hands on a brand new DSLR camera is a wonderful feeling. Within a few days you may start to wonder what kind of accessories you can get, which would allow you to get the most out of your time as a photographer. Here are the most common DSLR accessories and why they’re worth… Continue reading Essential DSLR Accessories

The Wide Angle Lens: Great For Vacation Pictures

Have you ever gone on a cruise, tried to take photographs of islands in the distance and been disappointed with the narrow view your camera captured? Realistically, you are limited with a regular camera lens. To capture the breathtaking scene of the beach and homes as your ship approaches and island, a wide-angle lens is… Continue reading The Wide Angle Lens: Great For Vacation Pictures

Text-Based Productive iPhone Apps

There are tons and tons of iPhone apps out there and finding a true blue useful business app is like hunting for a needle in a Himalayan haystack. Therefore we decided to bring to you a unique bunch of text-based apps that have the potential of making your work life easier. Here we go: Textgrabber:… Continue reading Text-Based Productive iPhone Apps

How Mirrorless Cameras Have Influenced Photography?

Often you struggle to decide which the best camera type is. A couple of years ago, there were only 2 types of cameras; DSLR and Point & Shoots .While DSLRs were a great help to professional photographers with great image quality and manual controls, they were very bulky and hard to operate. On the other… Continue reading How Mirrorless Cameras Have Influenced Photography?

Everything You Need To Know When Securing Your Property With Dome Cameras

Dome cameras are revolutionary in the history of video surveillance. Their improved technology, higher quality image capture and ability to integrate into the typical LAN at an affordable cost were all significant advances in their own right, but another important advance came in these cameras’ movement capabilities. Pan, tilt and zoom capability became more widespread… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know When Securing Your Property With Dome Cameras

3 Ways Marketing Is Going To Create Our Sci-Fi Future

“It’s 2012! Where’s my jetpack!” people moan into their handheld computer systems connected to worldwide network before using their downloadable phones to read about robots landing on Mars and people running the Olympics with artificial legs. Yes, we live in a magical time, and things are only going to get more futuristic from here on.… Continue reading 3 Ways Marketing Is Going To Create Our Sci-Fi Future

Most Common Photography Mistakes

Photography is an art but it is not reserved for special people only. Anyone can take eye-catching photos just by following a few basic tips. Most people don’t take the time to get to know their camera and the functions it can perform, but besides that, we often get the basics wrong when taking pictures.… Continue reading Most Common Photography Mistakes

Reviewing The Canon EOS 5D Mark III

The 5D series is one of Canon’s most celebrated. The line has been immensely popular with both prosumers and full professionals. With the 5D Mark II, Canon began to capture a portion of the prosumer video market. The release of the new 5D Mark III has generated a considerable amount of excitement. But is it… Continue reading Reviewing The Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Top 5 Contenders For The iPhone’s Crown

by JD Hancock For several years now the iPhone has been one of the most popular types of smartphone among both teenagers and adults. The iPhone is used by people all over the world and the constant new models and apps that are released by Apple ensure that mobile users remain interested in this product.… Continue reading Top 5 Contenders For The iPhone’s Crown