4 Projects to Brighten Your Home

Fun Ways to Brighten Up Your Home Arduino lighting is a form of electronics building that uses a single board microcontroller to perform several functions at once. There are many ways to use Arduino lighting to decorate your home; at this point, most people are using this fun and versatile form of lighting as hobbyists.… Continue reading 4 Projects to Brighten Your Home

Ways to Improve your Productivity

With Apple, Android and BlackBerry prices becoming more affordable all the time, it’s fair to say that most people can afford to own either some sort of tablet or smartphone. And it’s small wonder that so many people own such a device these days: whether you’re at university or in work, modern mobile devices have… Continue reading Ways to Improve your Productivity

Easy and Efficient Time Tracking at Asure Software

In this busy world, time is money. So time spent on recording and monitoring work done by others is sure a waste of time. These jobs are best done by software and automated machines. A time tracking software allows companies to record the time spent by the employees on any task done. It allows the… Continue reading Easy and Efficient Time Tracking at Asure Software

Setting Up a Home Office Doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune

If you have made the bold move of starting to work from home then you might be worried about the cost of setting up your home office. Thankfully, there are some tips for doing this on a modest budget. Use What You Already Own Before you get out the credit card the first thing you… Continue reading Setting Up a Home Office Doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune

How Can You Successfully Build Business Relationships?

Although a lot of individual endeavour and knowledge is required it is certainly a fact of business that you need to be able to collaborate with certain people and organisations in order to be a success. Your networking forms such a significant part of your empire, whether you are a small operation or much bigger… Continue reading How Can You Successfully Build Business Relationships?

How Does 3D Printing Actually Work?

Image by Creative Tools Many believe that we are in a preliminary stage of an industrial revolution. 3D printing is predicted to radically change the way we live as the costs of the technology are falling to make it affordable to the mass market. 3D printing is not a completely new technology and has surprisingly… Continue reading How Does 3D Printing Actually Work?

RenewableG Chargers For Your Gadgets

Many of us hope to live greener lives to help the environment. Opting for environmentally friendly products helps us cut down on pollution and make the most of the resources that we have. If you are the type to recycle your glass, paper, and plastics, you have more than likely purchased renewable energy products in… Continue reading RenewableG Chargers For Your Gadgets

IMCreator – Your Free Website Builder

I’m sure that many of you have thought about creating a website, but have abandoned the idea, simply because you believed that this is an incredibly difficult process. Well, now you can revive your old projects, thanks to the free templates that imcreator.com offers to you. As a result if you, too desire to promote… Continue reading IMCreator – Your Free Website Builder

Why It Pays Dividends To Use CAD Software

C, A & D. Three little letters that can mean thousands of possibilities. CAD stands for Computer Aided Design, and today there aren’t many areas to which CAD isn’t spreading. Computers have revolutionised many industries, and here is why CAD software continues to bring success and efficiency to organisations around the world. Aptly Named The… Continue reading Why It Pays Dividends To Use CAD Software

Machines: An Evolution In Precision Engineering

Since the industrial revolution, British engineering has gone on in leaps and bounds and new developments are constantly happening in order to keep up with our 21st century demands. In this technological age and with the current climate, there is no room for mistakes and productivity needs to be at its highest so that this… Continue reading Machines: An Evolution In Precision Engineering