Top 5 Consumer Drones

When most people hear of drones, the only picture that comes into their minds is of an unmanned aerial vehicle that is controlled by the military. However, over the years various companies have been able to create playful and resourceful consumer drones that can be locally purchased. It is obvious that these drones are becoming… Continue reading Top 5 Consumer Drones

How Can Machine Learning Software Predict The Next Big Trend

Do you know how many new businesses become big in a short few years? There are lots of new businesses out there that are getting instant popularity and rapid growth in a short few years just by taking advantage of the next big trend. Yes, by knowing the next big trend, you’ll know what the… Continue reading How Can Machine Learning Software Predict The Next Big Trend

5 Great Apps You Can Use To Teach Your Child About Science

Some children take to science easily, while others may need a bit more coaxing. Regardless of whether they love or hate science, apps are a great way to help them learn. Apps that include fun cartoon characters or focus on a topic they love, can help your children take their knowledge to the next level.… Continue reading 5 Great Apps You Can Use To Teach Your Child About Science

6 Dangerous And Deadly Diseases Cured By Science

Medical science is one of the most important growing fields today. Developments in the medical field are what allow the human race to overcome the obstacles that evolution throws at it. Vaccines could arguably be human beings’ greatest development. Louis Pasteur is credited as the first to discover the process of vaccination.] Most of the… Continue reading 6 Dangerous And Deadly Diseases Cured By Science

Forensic Science: A Brief History

What is forensic science? Forensic science doesn’t just cover the things you see on CSI, it’s incredibly broad in scope and includes a variety of scientific and technological techniques, designed to establish facts for use in both criminal and civil law cases. The word ‘forensic’ actually stems from Roman Latin and refers to when cases… Continue reading Forensic Science: A Brief History

How To Get Your Children Interested In Science

Getting your children interested in science from an early age is a very important factor these days, who knows your child might be the next Einstein! When children are taught about science in school it often means that they see it as a boring subject that they only need to do in school, whereas in… Continue reading How To Get Your Children Interested In Science

Why Immortality Is Only An Experiment Away:

Immortality could be a lot closer than you think.  Science has been working hard to find ways of keeping the mind and body alive long past its ‘use by date’ and experiments are still being undertaken to find that little piece of eternal magic that will keep us all going ad-infinitum. Unlocking the Genetic Code… Continue reading Why Immortality Is Only An Experiment Away:

Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact – ePaper Is The Future

There is nothing more exciting in the field of technology than when Science Fiction turns into Science Fact.  There have been many crazy ideas in the past, which people have thought will never work.  However, many designers and inventors exist simply before their times and eventually the technology does come along that enables them to… Continue reading Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact – ePaper Is The Future

What Is Forensic Science?

As a subject forensic science is something that fascinates most people and what makes it thus is the sheer number of problems that they can face when trying to solve a crime. However, although it’s fascinating a lot of people don’t actually know what forensic science entails. What is it? Forensic science is an area… Continue reading What Is Forensic Science?