THQ Games Gives The People What They Want:

THQ is the most well known game makers and manufacturer’s world wide. Many new fans buy their games every single day. Some of the games that they have developed may bring recognition. Rock Band, A Bug’s Life, Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader, Age of Empires, Raw is War and Avatar- The Last Airbender… Continue reading THQ Games Gives The People What They Want:

Recognizing When People Are Using Social Media To Hook You for a Get Rich Quick Scheme

Social Media is a huge factor for what we read every day. It has made a huge impact on us and the way we receive our information. Just take look at this video about people reacting to the death of Osama Bin Ladin at a baseball game. Most everyone in the stands has a Facebook… Continue reading Recognizing When People Are Using Social Media To Hook You for a Get Rich Quick Scheme

Seven Biggest Mistakes People Do On Facebook

It’s nice to communicate with your friends and relatives on Facebook each day, so you’ll know what they feel and do today. However, some people just can’t restrain themselves, in front of more than 500 million users. It is often very easy to forget that millions of people can potentially see what you’re doing, especially… Continue reading Seven Biggest Mistakes People Do On Facebook

How Lazy People Can Still Have a Well-Maintained PC?

As you undoubtedly know, we are supposed to keep our files backed up, regularly update our apps and ensure antivirus software is current. Unfortunately, we can be too lazy to do those things regularly. So, these are some tricks that can keep your computer well-maintained without requiring you to break a sweat.

Archos TV, The All-in-One DVR Solution for People on The Go

Most gadget stores nowadays are filled to the rafters with a profusion of devices for digital video recording, or DVR, and media-extenders that provide PC-to-TV video streaming functions. These two popular gadgets are combined in Archos TV, and along with a bunch of other features, this new offering from Archos quite possibly addresses all the… Continue reading Archos TV, The All-in-One DVR Solution for People on The Go