Evolution of Internet TVs

Over the last three years, there have been some major and exciting changes for the TV consumers. The most interesting of these changes is the introduction of internet TV. With so many features like YouTube, Facebook, 3-screens and widgets and the migration of so much content on the internet, it is becoming a norm now… Continue reading Evolution of Internet TVs

Filtering Tech

The idea that water should be filtered or purified between getting it from the ground and drinking it has been present in civilization for thousands of years. However, as the centuries have gone by and modern science has developed, the process used to judge the quality of water has become much more sophisticated. Rather than… Continue reading Filtering Tech

Home Security Tips: Staying Safe In Your New House

Home Security Tips When moving into a new home, it can be a little unnerving no matter how thoroughly you have checked out the neighborhood. There are a number of different things that you can do to help keep you and your family safe in your new home. So, take a look at some of… Continue reading Home Security Tips: Staying Safe In Your New House

Small tech makes a big difference

When people think of innovative technology, they often think of big items. Flat screen TVs, personal computers, stereo systems and even the tech used to send people into space are all innovations that might come to mind. Yet, sometimes the best technological advances come in small packages. Small tech can make a big difference in… Continue reading Small tech makes a big difference

Cyber Convenience

Fifteen years ago, when you needed to buy something, there weren’t many options. You had access to the stores located near you, or if you planned ahead you could shop from a catalog. However, both these options have their negatives. Especially if you live in a rural area, you may not have access to a… Continue reading Cyber Convenience

How Pinterest Can Change Your Home

As anyone who has ever clicked on the cheery red and white “Pin This” button will tell you, Pinterest is one of the coolest and most addictive social media sites to ever hit the Internet. Beyond offering a place to save all of the recipes, craft ideas and dream vacation spots, though, Pinterest is actually… Continue reading How Pinterest Can Change Your Home

Telegraph App Coming Out Soon for iPhone and Android

The Telegraph is about to release a new application for both iPhones and Android run gadgets. One of the main features will be highlights from the Premier League as well as ESPN updates. The new app is promising a lot of award winning journalism that will enable readers to access their news and other special… Continue reading Telegraph App Coming Out Soon for iPhone and Android

10 Crazy House Designs

If you’re thinking of designing and building your own pad – or you’re looking to move somewhere more adventurous than the average two up two down – then you’re probably quite keen to own somewhere distinctive. In the age-old battle to be different, the quest for individuality has even made its way into the housing… Continue reading 10 Crazy House Designs

Important Consumer Trends For 2012

As the year continues to unfold here are lists of things that are trending. I suggest you get involved and don’t get left behind. Health by yourself People are using their phones and computers to track their own healthy lifestyles. Gone are the days where you went to a meeting and had to be weighed… Continue reading Important Consumer Trends For 2012

Television Cooking Shows – How I Got My Kids In The Kitchen

I remember being interested in cooking at such a young age. It was not because my mom was an excellent baker or because my dad used to make amazing dinners, it was because of television. I would sit at home every day and watch the Galloping Gourmet and Yan Can Cook, simply enthralled with what… Continue reading Television Cooking Shows – How I Got My Kids In The Kitchen