4 Hot 7-Inch Tabs To Buy

Having around half of the 10 inch screen surface area the 7 inch tablets provide more mobility and convenience due to their smaller size also their novel like appearance also gives them an edge for the status fitting to e-book readers in the market. Further elaborating this view are some of such tablets which according… Continue reading 4 Hot 7-Inch Tabs To Buy

The Samsung Galaxy Pro- All You Need To Know

The Samsung Galaxy phones are a series of phones that started as a single model, and then more models grew off of it. Now, Samsung is releasing a new model in the Galaxy series, called the Samsung Galaxy Pro. This phone is a touch screen and includes some pretty wonderful features. For instance, this phone… Continue reading The Samsung Galaxy Pro- All You Need To Know

Adobe Flash Player 10.2 Beta Launched

The beta version of Adobe’s Flash player 10.2 was launched. Supporting Windows, Mac and Linux, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9 gets hardware acceleration in the new beta version. With the non-beta version featuring certain set backs in video tasks, the latest version rectifies the set backs and offers high performance video play back across different platforms. Stage Video feature in the beta Flash… Continue reading Adobe Flash Player 10.2 Beta Launched