The Print Medium: Still Going Strong

Since 1978 and the invention of email at the PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), we have been told that the paperless office (and world) is only moments away from becoming a reality. Well, fast forward thirty-four years and we are no closer to it than we were in the 70s. In fact, the advent of… Continue reading The Print Medium: Still Going Strong

Getting Part-Time CAD Jobs Through Online Search

If you’re a just-out-of college or expert cad designer, you have many other responsibilities that won’t allow you to work fulltime, you’re looking for a way to practice your skills or you’re just looking for some quick cash to buy some software, then you need a part-time cad job. Don’t look anywhere else just go… Continue reading Getting Part-Time CAD Jobs Through Online Search

Wellies Indoors? Surely Not!

A few weeks ago, I was standing around inside Heathrow terminal 4 waiting for a flight to Los Angeles and spotted a group of young women all wearing Hunter wellies. A bit puzzled by this (as this is an airport we’re talking about, not a muddy field) I just had to go over and ask… Continue reading Wellies Indoors? Surely Not!

Top 5: Items For Every Men’s Winter Wardrobe

Winter Fashions Winter is traditionally the time of year when even the most fashion conscious men slip into bad habits, and function becomes the lead factor in what we wear. Ditch that attitude for the upcoming winter: keep warm and look amazing at all times with our top 5 fashion items all men should have… Continue reading Top 5: Items For Every Men’s Winter Wardrobe

Get Readers Addicted To Your Blog!

I came across a really funny fitness blog two days ago. On a constant struggle to lose weight, I found it incredibly informative and humorous, a true gem among the sea of fitness blogs. Not only could I completely and absolutely relate to the writer, I could see pictures that made me really believe him.… Continue reading Get Readers Addicted To Your Blog!

How Will GPS Technology Change The Watch Industry?

(Via SeikoASTRON) The Watch business has seen some big changes over the last decade or so. The invention and success of handheld gadgets, most notably the cell phone, has taken over how we keep track of time whilst on the move. Whilst the watch may no longer serve an essential function, it has (and most… Continue reading How Will GPS Technology Change The Watch Industry?

Nanoparticles And New Textile Technologies

Nanoparticles and New Technologies Nanofinishing is an area of textile technology which has developed significantly in the last few years. Your flame retardant curtains, or kids UV blocking wetsuit is sure to have been made possible by nanotechnology. ‘Nano’ comes from the Greek word nanos which means dwarf. Nano particles are therefore tiny particles which… Continue reading Nanoparticles And New Textile Technologies

How to Dress Like a Nerd in Five Easy Steps

We largely have hipsters to thank for the “nerd”, “gamer” and “geek” looks coming into style in recent years. In essence it’s another of those fashion trends that, while claiming to be inspired by a particular subculture, reflects nothing of the truth of it. If thick rimmed glasses with fake lenses and a “witty” T-shirt… Continue reading How to Dress Like a Nerd in Five Easy Steps

Magento Themes Are Widely Available Online

Magento themes are basically themes that anyone who uses a magento platform can use according to their discretion and their needs. These themes have been built in such a way that they can cater to anyone who has even a little bit of knowledge related to the magento interface. There are in fact three levels… Continue reading Magento Themes Are Widely Available Online