5 Most Weird iPhone Accessories

It’s hard to believe the impact that Apple has had on our work and personal lives in the last 10 years. Once it was just desktop and laptop computers but now we have the iPad, Mini iPad, a variety of iPods, iTunes and iPhones to keep up with and with all of these great pieces… Continue reading 5 Most Weird iPhone Accessories

Weird And Wonderful Kitchen Appliances

Kitchens are the heart of the home, and are usually considered cosy and warm environments. But what if you and your family are a little quirkier than your regular nuclear family? Here are some weird and wonderful kitchen gadgets to match your family’s uniqueness and bring you joy every time you cook! An Egg Cuber… Continue reading Weird And Wonderful Kitchen Appliances

A Little Shock, Weird Genes, and the Brains Sense.

A leap of science into flashbacks There is no need of chemical hallucinogens to initiate memories in your brain any more. Researchers have used small electrical signals to stimulate the cortex of the right hemisphere of brain in subjects to retrieve memories and to get relieved from the unpleasant ones. The stimulation caused hallucinogenic effects.… Continue reading A Little Shock, Weird Genes, and the Brains Sense.