6 Technology Finds Any Teenager Would Love

Technology changes almost as quickly as the interests and moods of many teenagers. Trying to find new technologies that will be beneficial and enjoyable is near impossible. Here are some sleek new technology finds that any teenager will really enjoy. Portable Hard Drive – For Data on the Run Image via Flickr by cogdogblog Portable hard drives make it… Continue reading 6 Technology Finds Any Teenager Would Love

Boys and Their Toys (and Gadgets)

How many men reading this use the TV remote control as a weapon of family disharmony? Just when the exciting climax of the film the family is watching, the channel is changed as if by magic and all hell breaks loose. By the time the channel has been changed back the credits are rolling and… Continue reading Boys and Their Toys (and Gadgets)

Are Interactive TV-based Toys Good For Children?

Questioning the Goodness of Interactive TV-based Toys Interactive TV-based toys are nothing new; they have been around for a few years now. However, systems that specifically target infants and toddlers are a much more recent innovation, and today they have taken stores by storm. Parents buy them and children love them, but the question is… Continue reading Are Interactive TV-based Toys Good For Children?