MPro 150 Pico Projector from 3M

M Pro 150 model is basically like its predecessor M Pro 120 with features like SD card, internal storage, and screen menu. Its projector is similar to that of 120 model and this will work efficiently only on dark room settings. Since it does not support HD the brightness and resolution cannot be to our… Continue reading MPro 150 Pico Projector from 3M

Projector – Camcorder from 3M in Shoot (N) Share

You can take motion pictures using this camera but you cannot play it. It is rather expensive (priced $299) pocket camera meant for fun. 3M is engaged in making projectors and it is not hitting the market popularly due to the limited usage and now M Pro has started manufacturing projectors. On hearing that they… Continue reading Projector – Camcorder from 3M in Shoot (N) Share

Nikon Coolpix Camera Review

When Nikon released its first projector camera, S1000 pj, it was tagged by experts as an innovative device, combining a powerful camera with a projector. However, on the connectivity side, it has certain drawbacks, as it cannot be connected to a laptop for beaming up certain images and documents on the camera. This certain drawback… Continue reading Nikon Coolpix Camera Review