The Importance of HR Software for Businesses

Introduction HR stands for human resources and is a vital part of every business. HR department deals with the type of people employed and how efficiently they are working for the company. The importance of HR has grown over the years and now every business needs a separate HR department. The department has the following… Continue reading The Importance of HR Software for Businesses

Five Benefits Of HR Software

HR software is utilised by a number of businesses in order to facilitate the operation of certain business procedures. This allows the business to concentrate on other areas, thus increasing the overall success of the company by promoting growth.

Software Testing And Its Commercial Relevance

Software testing refers to the process of evaluation of the performance of a particular product under certain conditions and circumstances of business requirements. This is also a process of investigating whether or not the same is possible and its repercussions if any will be there. There is a wide range of applications and services that… Continue reading Software Testing And Its Commercial Relevance

How Fast Can Iphone 4S Be

If there is one thing that has been making a buzz in the tech community nowadays, that is the death of Steve Jobs. However, despite the absence of the genius Steve Jobs, his legacy of making cool gadgets will continue. This has been evident in the new phone that Apple unveiled to rival nothing else.… Continue reading How Fast Can Iphone 4S Be

Growing In The Dark – A New Type Of Farming?

As the world population continues to increase exponentially, food becomes ever more of an issue. The process of photosynthesis is one of the most important chemical reactions that goes on in our world, whereby plants convert CO2 and water into oxygen and sugar, and light drives this whole process. Without the sun the earth would… Continue reading Growing In The Dark – A New Type Of Farming?

Three Simple Yet Effective Methods To Unlock iPhone 4S

The unlocked iPhone models come with all the features and specifications of the normal models. The only different is that it will not have any contract commitment. This will help you to use any network service provider in your phone. Once the iPhone is unlocked, the user will have an option to use it on… Continue reading Three Simple Yet Effective Methods To Unlock iPhone 4S

Technical Translation– A Thorough Overview For Beginners

Technical translation is the process of translating technical documents such as owners’ manuals or user guides etc . One of the main concerns of translating the technical data is the special terminology that should be handled delicately during the translation process. The translator should be well educated in the related fields to whichever document they… Continue reading Technical Translation– A Thorough Overview For Beginners

4 Important Steps in Netbook Troubleshooting Process

Generally, you don’t necessarily have to be a computer guru with decades of experience to solve a netbook problem. But, you should have a structured, problem-solving, common-sense approach. 1.         Collecting the evidence. Treat the netbook problems like a crime scene. When solving a mystery, you should collect enough evidences. For example, writing down error messages… Continue reading 4 Important Steps in Netbook Troubleshooting Process

How Facebook Trumped Myspace

The Stats Thanks to an infograph released earlier this year from we know that there are half a billion active Facebook users, with around half logged in every day. 71% of the U.S. web audience are Facebook users and over New Year’s weekend an unprecedented 750 million photographs were uploaded to Facebook accounts. Some… Continue reading How Facebook Trumped Myspace

How to Implement Your Image Optimization Strategy

While many webmasters will go to great lengths to optimize their website content, architecture, and navigation, many will completely overlook the need to also optimize their images. This is often a strange decision because image optimization does not require that much time (unless you have one million content images). Moreover, image optimization can be extremely… Continue reading How to Implement Your Image Optimization Strategy