The Growing Role of Information Technology in Production Processes

What began with Henry Ford’s assembly line in the 18th century has been taken a few steps further towards a highly automated production industry in the course of the last 40 years. Information technology has been implemented into factories in order to increase their production speed and to facilitate highly product customisation. As a consequence,… Continue reading The Growing Role of Information Technology in Production Processes

5 Great Apps You Can Use To Teach Your Child About Science

Some children take to science easily, while others may need a bit more coaxing. Regardless of whether they love or hate science, apps are a great way to help them learn. Apps that include fun cartoon characters or focus on a topic they love, can help your children take their knowledge to the next level.… Continue reading 5 Great Apps You Can Use To Teach Your Child About Science

What Is Absorbent Polymer Technology And Its Applications

Absorbent polymer technology is made up of a range of different polymers that all have the ability to absorb great amounts of water. It is through osmosis, in which liquids are able to pass through a barrier, that these polymers are able to hold such a significant amount of water. Because of their elasticity, they… Continue reading What Is Absorbent Polymer Technology And Its Applications

5 Essential Gadgets You Can Gift To Your Garden This Christmas

You’ve been tending to your lawn for years now. Do you think you’ve done enough though? Apart from enhancing the look of your house, the lawn filters the air entering your front window, it cheers up the person visiting your house regardless his/her mood, it captivates you with the sublime smell of its flowers, it… Continue reading 5 Essential Gadgets You Can Gift To Your Garden This Christmas

Environmental Directives Make Computer Recycling Safe

These days, computers are disposable items. It is common for some people to replace their laptop of desktop every year. Given the vast increases in performance from year to year, it is not hard to see why. However, there is a downside to the inexorable climb towards faster and faster computers. Since so many machines… Continue reading Environmental Directives Make Computer Recycling Safe

What Goes Into Removing Landmines?

There are over 110 million landmines in at least 68 countries worldwide still present today. There are many military and humanitarian efforts underway to detect and remove them. Detection The first step in the removal of landmines is to detect them. There are several methods used today and one of the methods dates back to… Continue reading What Goes Into Removing Landmines?

The 5 Worst Modern Engineering Fails

The Industrial Revolution brought with it an emphasis on modern design, and the field of engineering has been shaped by the lessons learned by those who strove to create modern marvels. While some of these feats still stand today, there have been some noticeable disasters. Engineering standards were fairly high by the middle of the… Continue reading The 5 Worst Modern Engineering Fails

Rules Of Equipment Calibration

The comparison of measuring equipment against a standard instrument of higher accuracy is known as calibration. It is performed to detect, correlate, adjust, rectify and document the accuracy of the equipment under test. Periodic calibrations are required to detect and correct the error. Periodic calibrations are an integral part of any quality system. Instrument calibration… Continue reading Rules Of Equipment Calibration

Deciphering The Mystery Of Storage Unit Living

In a normal situation, you wouldn’t consider living in a storage unit. In fact, most people would think you were crazy if you mentioned the idea. Recently, a heart breaking news story caught your attention. You discovered a family of four living in a storage unit. How was this possible? It’s too disturbing for you… Continue reading Deciphering The Mystery Of Storage Unit Living

Real Asset Management Nightmares

The term ‘asset management’ refers to a system that keeps track of the value of assets both tangible (such as plant equipment) and intangible (for example intellectual property).  In the case of businesses, fixed asset management refers to an accounting process wherein the contents of the office (especially the particularly large and expensive items such… Continue reading Real Asset Management Nightmares