Make your PC Kid-Friendly with Four Custom Operating Systems

It’s a confusing conundrum for every parent and many parents have mixed views on the matter; however, there will come a time when children ask for access to a computer, and these days’ schools are proactively encouraging parents to provide children with access to a computer from an early age. In the past, setting up… Continue reading Make your PC Kid-Friendly with Four Custom Operating Systems

Microsoft Announces Two Years Countdown to End of Win XP

Microsoft Plan to Bring to an End Win-XP Support in Two Years Countdown to Win XP SP3 The time has come to lay to rest Microsoft Windows XP Operating System. In less than two years, you will not be getting support for Windows XP. Therefore, if you have not yet upgraded to Microsoft Windows 7,… Continue reading Microsoft Announces Two Years Countdown to End of Win XP

Is Windows 8 a Cloud-Based Operating System?

The new Windows 8 download is a big change in the way we use personal computers. The installation of Windows 8 is done online. Is it a cloud computing operating system? Does this make you nervous and want to call your computer repairs professional? The new Windows 8 download has many features that will make… Continue reading Is Windows 8 a Cloud-Based Operating System?

10 Desktop Buying Tips for the Year 2012

The 21st century belongs to technology and with new and better gadgets churning into the market every second, the gadget freaks couldn’t ask for anything more. However it has turned quite hard for the customers who are looking to buy these gadgets who are often in dilemma on which one to go for. Visiting the… Continue reading 10 Desktop Buying Tips for the Year 2012

HTC 7 Pro

Is it a surprise that HTC finally decided to create a phone with a Window 7 OS? Not entirely. When Windows Phone 7 was produced, it was considered inadequate compared to Android who had already dominated the smart phone realm, including HTC. However, as time has passed, many phones have at least tried the Windows… Continue reading HTC 7 Pro

Tech Us Back! Computer Operating Systems We Could Not Have Been Without

You couldn’t do anything without an OS or Operating system these days. An OS runs things on your computer, cell phone, web servers, and even on your video console. The first Operating Systems ran on the old giant mainframes and eventually transitioned over to micro-computers and other devices that we use today. Here’s a look… Continue reading Tech Us Back! Computer Operating Systems We Could Not Have Been Without

Bosch Thermotechnology: Creating the Difference

Bosch Thermotechnology is smarter way to heat and cool your home, Geothermal heating from Bosch Thermotechnology is an excellent way to heat up the homes in winter season. For many year people trust this brand and adopt it’s Thermotechnology for a better solution.

Processing Techniques for Increased Efficiency

Operating systems deploy a number of techniques to increase the efficiency of their system. When you buy a computer it is important that you pay attention to the processing techniques of the operating systems as you do not want to waste time and energy with a computer that takes too long to process programs.

Nokia SmartPhone – A Balance of Symbian and MeeGo

Nokia’s Chief Technical Officer Rich Green commented on the importance of mobile applications at the Qt Developer Days event in San Francisco. He also stressed the Qt toolkit’s role in the mobile platforms. Qt will speed up the development of mobile applications by Nokia. It will also provide a unique solution to the developers to… Continue reading Nokia SmartPhone – A Balance of Symbian and MeeGo

5 Advantages Apple’s iOS has over other Mobile Operating Systems

The biggest players on the mobile operating systems market are Apple’s iOS, which runs on their own devices (the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch), and Android, which is open source and can be installed by anyone on any hardware, as long as they provide their own drivers. Ever since the first iPhone was introduced and… Continue reading 5 Advantages Apple’s iOS has over other Mobile Operating Systems