Google Acquires Admeld

In their apparent goal to buy everything ever, the giants at Google have once again acquired another business. With a pricetag of $400 million, Google has announced it will acquire Admeld – a service which most people have probably never heard of. Having never used Admeld (and being one of those people who had never… Continue reading Google Acquires Admeld

What to Do if You Don’t have Time to Tweet

Twitter, the micro-blogging behemoth shows no signs of slowing down, top stories in tech still revolve around the social-savvy users networking platform of choice as it becomes are more important tool both for communications, entertainment and business. Indeed the business realm is one where there is much debate surrounding the benefits of Twitter can it… Continue reading What to Do if You Don’t have Time to Tweet

19 Of the Best Analytical Tools Around

It is essential to understand that measuring and evaluating visitors of a site helps in knowing what really works, and what does not. Using these 22 analytic elements and tools, you will be able to scrutinize the traffic on your site. In a nutshell, you will know about popular products and posts, and the focus… Continue reading 19 Of the Best Analytical Tools Around