Apple Laptops Vs HP Laptops

Apple’s laptops have come of age with many of their laptop models reaching the top of the market share. They have excelled especially in terms of design with beautifully thin laptops that seem more of a lifestyle product than a technical one. As the one to beat in terms of design, it was only a… Continue reading Apple Laptops Vs HP Laptops

The Moral Cost of the iPad and other Gadgets

The recent spotlight on Apple’s association with Foxconn in China has shed a glaring light on the morally murky practice of using foreign labor to manufacture products consumed in the US and around the World. The issue is far from cut and dry, with strong arguments on both sides. On one hand, human rights activists… Continue reading The Moral Cost of the iPad and other Gadgets

3 More Ways for Students to Save With Tablet Computers Over Laptops

As a student, you will be very conscious of your study budget. Educational supplies, other study materials and course fees will really add up. All-purpose laptops are expensive. Tablets are becoming a real option. Educational supplies, other study materials, and course fees will be costing you a lot as a student. You will also need… Continue reading 3 More Ways for Students to Save With Tablet Computers Over Laptops

LCD vs. Plasma Screen TV

Watching is one thing that many a people cross the world admire most. This because it provides entertainment  that in most cases after encountering the worst day of work, enables one to refresh the mind.  It can be done through different screen sizes, designs as well as makes such as LCD, plasma as well as… Continue reading LCD vs. Plasma Screen TV

Why Choose SEO Companies Instead of SEO Freelancers

As it is known globally websites effective businesses grounds and they are more concerned about their popularity to enhance the traffic to their site. They mainly use Search Engine Optimization sites to be famous.  There are numerous SEO companies hence websites have endless options to choose from. The services offered by SEO are competent which… Continue reading Why Choose SEO Companies Instead of SEO Freelancers

Is The Traditional Sat Nav Dead?

I’ve owned my trusty TomTom since 2004 and it has certainly saved me from getting lost on more than one occasion. When joining my friends on a bit of a road trip not so long ago, I noticed that instead of reaching for a sat nav, my friend slotted his mobile phone into a docking… Continue reading Is The Traditional Sat Nav Dead?

What Are Pallet Wrappers?

What are Pallet Wrappers? Pallet wrappers are machines used to wrap pallets with plastic film. These can be handheld wrappers, semi-automatic wrappers (which use a turntable), or fully automated rotary arm wrappers. There are also spiral wrappers and orbital wrappers, as well as numerous other variations. The fundamentals remain the same between all models of… Continue reading What Are Pallet Wrappers?

How Fast Can Iphone 4S Be

If there is one thing that has been making a buzz in the tech community nowadays, that is the death of Steve Jobs. However, despite the absence of the genius Steve Jobs, his legacy of making cool gadgets will continue. This has been evident in the new phone that Apple unveiled to rival nothing else.… Continue reading How Fast Can Iphone 4S Be

The Most Expensive Smartphone Apps on the Market

The smartphone app market has exploded in recent years with developers producing a range of innovative apps that really push the constantly evolving technology of smartphones. However, innovation comes at a cost, but which smartphone apps are the most expensive on the market? KGulf (£349.99) Rather niche, the KGulf app is a 2D hydrodynamics prediction… Continue reading The Most Expensive Smartphone Apps on the Market