Building The New World Trade Centre

On 11 September 2001 the skyline of Manhattan was transformed forever with the destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre along with other outlying buildings. However, in May 2006 the construction of a new World Trade Centre complex began. The new World Trade Centre complex, scheduled for completion in 2013, will feature… Continue reading Building The New World Trade Centre

How Not to Return an iPad

We found this little gem of a candid camera recording currently making the rounds on video hosting sites. Apparently, this Best Buy customer was not happy with his iPad’s lack of “free Wi-Fi”, and attempted to return the tablet to the store. When his request was initially declined despite his claims of having a receipt,… Continue reading How Not to Return an iPad

A Robot for cleaning the floor from Mint

This floor cleaning device is suited for cleaning any type of dust and is recommended for persons who hate dust. Features It uses micro fiber to clean the surface and is capable of moving through the entire room using GPS technology. It cleans the dust particles in the table corners and chairs, and cleans on… Continue reading A Robot for cleaning the floor from Mint