Which Businesses Use Google Plus And How Do I Get Started?

Google Plus is the latest social media offering by Google, who wasn’t successful with tools like orkut, Google Wave and Google Buzz. It looks like they finally got it right. They are on board to have 400 million users by the end of 2012. Business owners are noticing and starting to use it as an… Continue reading Which Businesses Use Google Plus And How Do I Get Started?

What Do Bathrooms Of The Future Have To Offer?

Technology has now established its place in almost every room in the house, very few rooms have escaped the touch of our modern world. For example LG have developed a smart appliance range for the kitchen. These appliances are capable of determining what food you have in your fridge and using a wireless signal to… Continue reading What Do Bathrooms Of The Future Have To Offer?

Be What You Want To Be – Five Things You Didn't Know You Could Do Using The Internet

The internet is often seen as a boring and dry piece of communications technology, but actually I think it’s pretty magical. Really the internet is a tool that not only brings everyone together, but also enables us to achieve things we never could. It’s a platform for free speech and it’s a huge boon for… Continue reading Be What You Want To Be – Five Things You Didn't Know You Could Do Using The Internet

Developing Trust Within IT Outsourcing Relationships: How And When Do We Disclose?

Since increasing productivity is a key goal of outsourcing in general, shouldn’t trust be a considered a primary concern in particular? And yet many businesses, from the very smallest to those found in the Fortune 500, present a facade of thick glass. Like tellers at a bank window, many companies are seeking a return on… Continue reading Developing Trust Within IT Outsourcing Relationships: How And When Do We Disclose?

How Do You Manage Your Life With Multiple Part Time Jobs?

Are you working with several part time jobs? You are probably dealing with some issues involving timing and scheduling things around your life if you are doing so. It can be very exhausting for you to get into so many things in your life when you have so much work to do. However, it may… Continue reading How Do You Manage Your Life With Multiple Part Time Jobs?

How Do Computer Pets Compare To The Real Thing?

Image by James Grant. For today’s post, I’m going to take you from the bleeps of the early 90’s right through to cyber animals of the present day. Just how accurately do computer games portray what’s involved in keeping a real pet? Could a computer game ever create a perfect pet simulation? Well actually, these… Continue reading How Do Computer Pets Compare To The Real Thing?

How Do Microwaves Work?

So, how do microwaves work? In a word, resonance – Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when frequency of force acting on an object matches its vibration. This sounds complicated right? It’s not It’s the same principle as pushing someone on a swing set, if you push them too fast or too slow, then it… Continue reading How Do Microwaves Work?

The Monetization Of Newsletters – How And Why To Do It

Sending newsletters to your readers and customers is a great way to keep them informed of what you have been up to. It’s also an opportunity for monetization, so you can make a little – or maybe a lot more than a little — money from your newsletter. There are several ways you can monetize… Continue reading The Monetization Of Newsletters – How And Why To Do It

What NOT To Do When Link Building

When done properly, link building can help increase the amount of traffic that goes to a website. Although the strategy has been discussed repeatedly, it is still possible to find websites that do not know how to use it properly or do not use it at all. There are many ways to build links but… Continue reading What NOT To Do When Link Building

Word-Of-Mouth Marketers – Do The FTC Revisions Affect You?

In the midst of the uncertainty surrounding the new regulation revisions regarding endorsements set out by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), certain parties are unclear as to whether the new changes affect their line of work or not. As the guidelines seem to cover marketers, affiliates, businesses and vendors from high class celebrities to the… Continue reading Word-Of-Mouth Marketers – Do The FTC Revisions Affect You?