Understanding Pay Per Click(PPC) Advertising

Pay Per Click, or PPC, is a popular type of sponsored advertising on many types of websites and search engines. The basic principle of pay per click is that you as the advertiser will only pay for your ad space if someone clicks on your ad—so you literally pay for each click. This can be… Continue reading Understanding Pay Per Click(PPC) Advertising

4 PCC Networks To Try Other Than Google AdWords

When it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, Google still reigns as king. There are, however, some other options to try, and those looking to advertise their websites may find some of these options to perform better than Google’s AdWords platforms. AdWords has the most competition, and while it is effective, some may have better results… Continue reading 4 PCC Networks To Try Other Than Google AdWords

Facebook’s Big Realization

Let’s face it; we all know that the real game behind Facebook is that it’s one big platform for advertisements.  To further prove this idea, over three quarters of Facebook’s profit comes from advertising alone.  Advertising is what keeps the company running and expanding.  Facebook has recently learned that users hitting the “like” button do… Continue reading Facebook’s Big Realization

Facebook's Big Realization

Let’s face it; we all know that the real game behind Facebook is that it’s one big platform for advertisements.  To further prove this idea, over three quarters of Facebook’s profit comes from advertising alone.  Advertising is what keeps the company running and expanding.  Facebook has recently learned that users hitting the “like” button do… Continue reading Facebook's Big Realization

3 Ways Marketing Is Going To Create Our Sci-Fi Future

“It’s 2012! Where’s my jetpack!” people moan into their handheld computer systems connected to worldwide network before using their downloadable phones to read about robots landing on Mars and people running the Olympics with artificial legs. Yes, we live in a magical time, and things are only going to get more futuristic from here on.… Continue reading 3 Ways Marketing Is Going To Create Our Sci-Fi Future

The Best Ways To Market To Different Demographics

Marketing a product or service with potentially wide appeal can be difficult because your advertisements may be too generic. Everyone has seen them before, and you aren’t actually hitting on the core issue for each of the people you’re trying to reach. The solution is to market to different demographics, changing your strategy to tailor… Continue reading The Best Ways To Market To Different Demographics

Getting The Word Out

As far as marketing and advertising the internet is a veritable marketing machine extraordinaire. Due to the vast and global power of the internet we can see everyday how advertising has become less of a wasteful exercise and its value has become more easily and efficiently measurable. Speaking in terms of efficiency as well as… Continue reading Getting The Word Out

Marketing Your First Night Club Event

This image is used by permission from sxc.hu So you have decided to promote your first nightclub event. You?ve seen others do it and you?re an expert in your musical genre, then why not? The Planning Stage: Firstly, you have to find a venue. Quite important as choosing somewhere in the outback or a place… Continue reading Marketing Your First Night Club Event

Pay Per Click And Advertising

Promoting a website and online business comes in many different flavors. This generally evolves around advertising in some shape or form, but ultimately, there are different ways to go about using this equipment and technology to better increase the amount of traffic a website receives. When advertisements are created, it comes down to two different… Continue reading Pay Per Click And Advertising

Top 5 Tactics To Increase Your Website Traffic

Nothing is more important for online marketing executives and bloggers worldwide than generating website traffic. Given this relatively inexpensive method for reaching out to prospective clients, marketing managers have fully embraced the opportunity afforded by the Internet. While there are many tactics being touted as ways to increase website traffic, five stand out as proven… Continue reading Top 5 Tactics To Increase Your Website Traffic