Sony Xperia S Review

Sony Xperia S, the first smartphone from the rebranded Sony Mobile, tries to offer everything from looks to smart functionality. But does it succeed? Reinventing Design The initial reactions to the phone were mixed. While some liked the new design with straight lines and a transparent band towards the lower end, many preferred the design… Continue reading Sony Xperia S Review

Penny Pinching the High-Tech Way

In a world where technology is a vital part of every day life, savvy consumers are taking advantage of technological advances to learn the tricks of smart shopping and penny pinching. They are looking for new ways to find out about sales, compare prices and receive notifications of daily deals and discounts without setting foot… Continue reading Penny Pinching the High-Tech Way

How Gaming Has Evolved

Take yourself back to the days before internet, when online gaming wasn’t even thought of and it was all about outdoor games and board games. Do you remember it? Children would play in the streets, skipping over ropes, riding their bicycles and playing hopscotch while the adults played board games and card games. I remember… Continue reading How Gaming Has Evolved

Choosing A Business Mobile Need Not Be Confusing

A good business mobile phone can help you unchain yourself from your desk and make sure you remain productive while you are on the move. However, if you are new to the market then the sheer variety of business mobiles can be confusing. Thankfully, with a little bit of research and advice it is easy… Continue reading Choosing A Business Mobile Need Not Be Confusing

The Top 5 New Gaming Sites In 2012

There was a time when you had to pay fifty bucks for a new video game, and if you didn’t like it, tough luck. Gamers may have a warm nostalgic feeling for the games of the past, but we certainly don’t miss the business model behind old school games. Today you still have those mass… Continue reading The Top 5 New Gaming Sites In 2012 – The UK’s Mobile Phone Price Comparison Website

It is a well known fact that over the course of the last two decades, mobile phones have transformed in ways that we would have never of thought of back in the 1990’s, when phones were merely a form of verbal communication on the move, with occasions short message texts. With more phones on the… Continue reading – The UK’s Mobile Phone Price Comparison Website

Android vs. iPhone: Does Either Really Take The Cake?

Choosing the right smartphone for your needs can become a daunting task when considering which operating system to use. Both Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS offer a variety of excellent features, which is why it pays to look at smartphone reviews to make an informed decision. Here are some of the issues that reviewers address… Continue reading Android vs. iPhone: Does Either Really Take The Cake?

Should Your Replace Or Upgrade Your Computer?

For the past thirty years I have used and worked on many computers. My first real computer was a hand-me-down that I tweaked into a great running machine. During that period, I have only purchased about four new computers. All of the others have been second-hand machines. However, the new computers have all been purchased… Continue reading Should Your Replace Or Upgrade Your Computer?

10 Most Technically Advanced Printers On The Market

Are you looking to buy a brand new printer but are not sure which one to get? Here’s a list of 10 technically advanced models that have been designed to impress. 1. Polaroid GL10 Instant Mobile Printer Polaroid GL10 Instant Mobile Printer Image Source The GL10 Instant Mobile Printer is the first product from Lady… Continue reading 10 Most Technically Advanced Printers On The Market