6 Tech Tools Every Business Should Be Using For Success


The key to running a business and staying sane is taking shortcuts whenever you spot them. We live in the age of technology. So why not take advantage of the abundance of tools to streamline processes and find an easier path to success?

No matter your industry, any one of these six tech tools will help you accomplish just that.

Travelling Internationally

If you, your employees, and your associates are constantly on the road or in the sky, make the process simpler with a tool like Global Entry. With this tool, “pre-approved, low-risk travelers” receive expedited clearance to the U.S. Signing up for this, U.S. Customs and Border Protection program is relatively easy.

Interacting with Clients

All great businesses are open to feedback from their customer base. With a tool like GetSatisfaction, you can interact with and receive feedback from clients. This tool can also be used to provide technical support to customers in need.

6 Tech Tools Every Business Should Be Using For Success

Managing Payroll and Finances

Paying employees and managing finances are tasks every business owner must address. Make the process easier by using a pay stub template. There are countless ways to streamline the payroll process. It’s important that you get this part right to avoid financial problems later.

Consolidating Social Media

When it comes to marketing your business, social media is the name of the game. With a tool like Hoot Suite, you can bring all of your accounts together into one hub. You’ll be able to post the same message across multiple platforms. As a bonus, you’ll even have access to analytics that calculate social media performance.

Communicating Between Departments

If you employ a younger crowd, there’s a good chance your people are already employing a tool like GChat. Based in Gmail, this tool makes it easy to message and ask questions of employees from other departments.

Learning New Languages

If you’re looking to expand internationally, a tool like Smigin could come in handy. Through videos and games, this resource teaches the user new languages. Originally, this tool only offered courses in Spanish. Recently, they expanded their resources to include French, Portuguese, and other languages.

If your business has a need, odds are that somebody has already filled it with a tech tool. Try one of the six tools mentioned above, or expand your research to find an app or program that fits your business. Your employees and your customers will thank you for it!

Anita G

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