Your Website Mobile – Now!

Creating a mobile website is a great way to stay in touch with your audience if your customers are likely to use their mobile phones to browse the Internet. Read this article to learn more about mobile websites.

Start by purchasing a .mobi domain name along with a mobile website hosting solution. Do not purchase your domain name and your hosting plan from the same service in case you decide to switch to a different host later. The web hosting service you use for your main website might actually offer solutions for mobile websites. Choose a quality web hosting solution so that your mobile site is easy to access and loads quickly. If possible, find a web hosting plan that includes a site-building tool or learn how to use one of the many free site-building tools available on the Internet. You will find that building a quality mobile website is not very hard.

Use a very simple design for your mobile website. Your site will load more quickly if you do not use pictures for your background or your header. Keep in mind that your visitors will look at your content on a small screen. Do not write lengthy articles for your mobile website and make sure it is easy to navigate without a mouse. You should test your mobile website with different devices and browsers. You should not have any issues if you used a quality site-building tool and kept your design simple.

Update your mobile site regularly with quality content. People will check your mobile site if they know they can find exclusive information and coupon codes there. Try updating your site at least once a week, if possible on the same day so that customers get used to checking this site. You should also use your site to present basic information about your products and your business, including your contact information and directions to your store since people are likely to look up your mobile site while they are on the go.

Draw attention to your mobile website by sharing links to your latest updates via text alerts or on social networks since a lot of people check social networks with their mobile phones. You should also think about developing some apps and sharing them via your mobile website if you need more visitors. You could then include links to your mobile website in your apps, for instance if you create an interactive catalog and want to send people to your mobile site to find out more about current offers.

Do some research about search engine optimization and optimize your mobile website so it shows up in searches for certain keywords associated with your products. You can also draw attention to your mobile site by talking about this new project on your regular site, blog or in your newsletter.

You should have a better idea of how you can launch your own mobile website after reading this article. Start familiarizing yourself with mobile website-building tools and establish some goals for your mobile marketing campaign.

Ludwing Hernandez, follow me in online chat rooms at @mezeeSeo