WikiLeaks Gets Data from P2P Networks | Tiversa Reports

The Whistleblower site denied Tiversa’s claim that WikiLeaks depends very much on P2P networks than leaks by unknown persons. Tiversa the security firm emphasized that it is from the searches carried out by WikiLeaks in peer-to-peer networks that gave them access to sensitive data to shake the world and not all  from anonymous sources. They added that over the past few years WikiLeaks had been doing the data mining job from the non-server based and unauthentic systems.

WikiLeaks’ attorney, Mark Stephens clearly dismissed Tiversa’s claims and told Bloomberg news that they are “completely false in every aspect”. Tiversa, whose main job is to help organizations watch P2P networks for leaked data has very important clients such as the FBI. Over the last years, the company served the world with several sensational and shaking examples of highly sensitive data accidentally posted on file-sharing networks. Notably the shacking data became a shock treatment for many governments.