Why It Is Important To Go For An All-In-One Printer

Why it is important to go for an all-in-one printer

There were times when a typical home office would contain separate machines for printing, copying, scanning and necessarily faxing.  The days are gone and a new world has rolled out altogether.  In today’s busy world, many people are looking for efficiency and the all-in-one printers are a great way to help consolidate various tasks into one easy to use electronic gadget.  Today’s multifunctional printers have tons of features to offer while consolidating a number of devices into one to save time, money and space.

Some multifunctional printers contain other extraordinary features such as memory card slots to fasten photo printing speeds and in-built Wi-Fi capabilities to ease network printing.  Both Inkjet and laser models have a number of multifunctional printers to boast of; lasers are more expensive than Inkjets.

All-in-one printers manage several tasks at a go and thus some buyers may find it difficult to locate their most appropriate products.  Some are able to fax, scan, copy and print at faster speeds than others, others have higher resolutions.  Some showcase the laser technology and others showcase the Inkjet technology.  There are so many features to what makes a superior multifunctional printer, listed below are some essential features buyers should look at when purchasing all-in-one printers:


When it comes to printing, quality and speed are the key factors.  It doesn’t really matter if a particular user has all the time to spend printing documents, speed should be impressive.  Quality is an equally important factor for those who want to appear professional in all possible dimensions.  Printers with a great monthly print cycle are ideal for users who undertake bulk printing throughout every month.  Some printers can take real heavy workloads while others are not suited for quite as much load.

Copy and scan

Printers which offer high resolution scans and are able to remove fast copies are more ideal.  Many people adore printers which can produce scans that are as good as original document.  Superior color depths and resolutions are the key factors in all-in-one printers.  Everyone literally prefers a printer with averagely fast scan and copy speeds.

Extra features

Other extra features to look at are whether the printer has memory card slots, whether it’s able to connect and print directly from a digital camera, whether the printer has Wi-Fi internet compatibility features, whether it can fax or duplex documents and files.  Other extras include physical dimensions, warranties, cartridge and toner ink colors.