What Tablets Have Done To Business Intelligence

In the modern business world, you need to have a good understanding of your game and of your competitors to become a real champion. Nothing could be more helpful for staying on top of the game than keeping a close eye on what your competitors are doing in particular and what the industry is doing in general. There are more options available out there than just acquiring news monitoring services that cost a lot of money. These services are made available for you by the emerging tablets as well as apps like Flipboard and Pulse, to name a few. They let the executives know what is going on in the business world and keep them aware of all the changes taking place within the industry.

The CEO of Fuzebox, Jeff Cavins was reported to record a statement with Business Insider, in which he said that iPad is causing a shift in the way businesses function and has changed the way how executives used to interact and therefore has transformed the economics of the modern business operations.

It will not be wrong to say that companies are taking help from various apps to make their businesses successful. The simple RSS reader makes it possible for people to get access to a vast amount of content, as it condenses the various streams of content from different channels into one. Some of the other applications that are available have made the aggregation of news even simpler by making use of the innovative search technology.

Enhanced Search Saves Time

Better search and filtering techniques make it more convenient for a business to establish a web-monitoring device. Some people would think that they can use Google News and Google Alerts for this purpose, but those who have used these services already know that they do not always provide you with the news you are looking for.

The new app Zite that was introduced by CNN in 2011 learns about the preferences of the users through the pages and web content that they search using their tablets. Readers can be constantly updated with the content that they are looking for through the keywords that are specific for every reader.

Once the apps have searched, filtered and streamed the content for a reader, they can then use this content to share it among their colleagues and people of interest.

Efficiency Can Be Increased by Gesture Based Information

The news-reader apps make available to readers hundreds of articles from which they can read. Now you do not have to scan for your article of interest, as these apps already present you with the aggregate content that is of your interest. Just Evernote makes it possible for you to save your daily ideas and thoughts at one point. Similarly, the news-reader apps also keep track of your interests.

The news-reader apps do not only increase your efficiency, but also make it extremely easy for you to share the content with your colleagues and friends. Every news website or blog has its own way through which you can get its content as these apps make sharing easier than ever.

Follow Up Made Easy With Bookmarking

Needless to say, when you search a large volume of content every day, it is hard to keep record of the ones that are most important. There are other apps such as Pocket or Instapaper, which make it possible for you to go back to the most important story after you have flipped through it. You can also create your own playlist with these apps.

There are millions of apps available, but what matters is that you should use the one that caters to your requirements. You can use more than one app to increase the efficiency and productivity of your business – big or small.