Vista Start Menu- All Windows Application

Vista start menu- all windows application

Do you want your desktop to look flashy and more functionality like search tools that keeps track of your application shortcuts? Try the Vista start menu. It has all the features you would want to use at the click of a start menu, don’t worry if you are using XP the New vista start menu supports all windows platform. Vista start menu is an application of its own and should not be confused with the default windows start menu. This application will give your desktop the cool appearance you see on most windows startmenu, included in the application are other quirk features that will be of great interest to you.

The software is developed in such a way that it memorizes recent places you visited this makes it easier for you to remember the applications you were using saving you the time you would spend searching the applications alphabetically as they are displayed in most start menu. With vista start menu installed in you can easily operating system you will never worry about arranging your applications in such a way that you can easily find them. Just use the search field to get whatever application you want in your desktop or laptop. You also have the provision to assign TABs to your favorite application you can also create keyboard shortcuts with the software however this feature will not be able in demo version to access this feature upgrade to the PRO version.

Vista start menu will definitely make your windows start menu look appealing and organized. If you are a person of organization then you should have this application on your desktop or laptop. The search capabilities will ease your work, you won’t have to struggle looking for software or cram shortcut names of your favorite application, vista start menu will do that for you.

Before installing the application in your system check your system disk space and memory allocation, a friend installed it in his computer and it slowed down his computer but my system works well with the system installed although it takes 41 MB of my RAM memory. So if you have a low memory don’t even think of installing it or you can as well increase your memory size.  This is the only drawback I found in this system apart that makes it efficient and safe for your system.