Top 3 Apps For Increasing Your Productivity At Work

Every employee has days when productivity is low. This could be low team interaction, spending too much time in an email box, or being unsure how to proceed on an assigned task. Several tools are available to help every employee through those rough patches, boosting productivity along the way.

Google Drive
The various parts of Google’s online toolbox have been re-dubbed Google Drive. These tools include a word processor, a spreadsheet, presentation software, and cloud based file management system. Google Drive is a great way to increase productivity, offering everything an employee needs in one free package. Since Google Drive is a web-based application, it will work on any device with an updated browser.

Google Drive can be used both off and online through any updated browser. When used online, each tool is available as a collaborative experience. For Instance: If an employee is on a team, he can create a document using the Google drive word processor. He can give various levels of permission to the other team members, allowing them to edit the document or just view the contents. This collaborative sharing isn’t just for word processing documents, but for all the tools in the Google drive toolbox.

Cloudmark DesktopOne
The fight against email spam seems to be a never-ending battle. It slows down email and reduces work productivity. Luckily, a few tools can help keep an email box clean. Productivity will stay high by letting an employee have better control over his inbox.

The way Cloudmark DesktopOne functions is based on the interaction of the over one billion users of the software. If enough of the Cloudmark users define a message as spam, it is automatically moved to separate from the regular email. This creates a self-regulating system of email separation. Since Cloudmark has so many users, spam should never show up in the inbox again. The program is free to try to works with a wide variety of email programs. It is only $19.95 to unlock the full versions. This program works on Windows XP and above.

Making sure employees are in on task at any given time will help ramp up productivity in the workplace. Asana is a well-designed task manager that is great for both personal and team based projects. Every project is viewable at a glance, including who is on the project, what tasks are left in the project, and what team members are checking in and out of the project.

Unlike many task managers, Asana lets the user move tasks around easily. It is very flexible and is useful when the priorities of the task change or people move to other teams. The program comes in a free or paid version. If there are fewer than 30 members, the free version works well.

These tools are great for helping out in an office. Each one can also be integrated in to the personal life. Productivity isn’t just a work-based habit, but one that can help during all parts of the day.

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David Sheldon is an HR consultant, technology expert, and regular blog contributor from Denver, Colorado.  To read more of his expert advice, visit him at One Year Online MBA.