Tip To Turn Tweets Into Leads

Are you running an attractive twitter account? You can generate more leads in less time using the social network. Twitter helps you spread the word with real speed if you work the microblogging platform effectively.

You can make your point quickly, in 140 characters. You can attract an increasing number of followers with ease and remain visible in the stream on a persistent basis, all with a minimal amount of effort. What’s the secret?

Creating value for your twitter following and connecting with like-minded people on a persistent basis. You can reach out to targeted leads more quickly by simply helping people with their problems, sharing content and engaging with individuals each day.

Most people screw up their twitter marketing campaign. They simply tweet out sales pages or squeeze pages all day long, repelling their audience. Don’t let the number of followers fool you; these ghost accounts generate no real interest. No clicks, no leads, no business, no attraction.

You can have 200,000 zombie followers or 10,000 responsive followers who grow your home of offline business. Stop stroking your ego. Start becoming successful and make your twitter account more attractive.

Successful twitters bring value to the table. No mindless, endless business-themed tweets. These people share of their life, helping individuals connect with them, more easily. You need to be a human tweeter to become attractive. This means sharing content outside of your business, detaching from professional outcomes to connect with your target market.

Tweet Value

Helpful tweeters attract prospects. Put out valuable tweets to increase your visibility in the twittersphere. Be patient. It takes time to craft valuable, helpful tweets which draw more followers to you. You will feel the urge to tweet your squeeze page non stop but trust me, nobody cares about your business opportunity if you don’t provide value to entice them.

Create helpful blog posts, videos, articles and ebooks and package into bite-sized tweets. Go the extra mile by listening to the needs of your target market. Tune in. Once you hear the problems of your niche you can easily provide the proper answers through your content.

Tweeting value is a rarity, so you will make a firm impress of the minds of your followers.

Connect with Like-Minded People

This practice expands your presence like few other marketing actions. You can reach out into new, exciting audiences by sharing other people’s content and chatting them up on a persistent basis. If you simply remain sociable and share their content you will become wildly popular in the twitter sphere.

Attract, never repel by ignoring the connecting process. Respond to retweets with “thank you” tweets, engage persistently, return phone calls and consistently chat with individuals, to draw in more interested prospects.

Resist the urge to hyper tweet links all day, even if the links are value-packed. Slow down. Calm down. Take the time to chat, to send out tweets without links, and you can easily draw in more people who think like you.

As your network grows expect to grow your business with increasing ease. Why? Many people will be promoting your opportunity for you. You do the legwork, making friends with people who vibe with your idea, your values, and these individuals will happily promote your blog posts and opportunities to their friends.

This word of mouth marketing is the most powerful form of promoting on earth. You can gain the trust of your target market with alarming speed through word of mouth advertising, via your network of close, like-minded friends.

Use these tips to make your twitter account more attractive today.

Kelli Cooper, writing on behalf of Exhibit Deal, is a freelance writer who writes about all things business; she especially enjoys discussing how you can use social media more effectively to grow your business.