The Importance of Monitoring Your Business Network

To keep up in today’s world of business that’s moving at breakneck speed, Network monitoring you can rely on is essential to keep commerce flowing.

Vital to the security of your business, professional monitoring ensures your network stays closed to outside sources, and also allows productivity to be tracked to learn where weak spots need enforcing. In fact, it is not only to keep external threats at bay that network monitoring solutions are employed. Internal security, whereby employees are part of the one network, can be a concern to business owners. Consider this: the sales department of a multinational toy firm will not need access to the same information as the graphic design department. By adding partitions to the file server, dividing it according to user rights, the network is kept “safe” – people are restricted to their particular area. This also applies to SMEs and not just large enterprises who have a vast network to control and monitor.

As imposing as it may sound, almost anyone with the desire and ability can hack into networks. With network monitoring there is added protection, as well as proactive detection with attempted security breaches. For service providing companies, added security is always a welcome asset to potential customers. Inside your company, unauthorized browsing will be tracked and reported as it is needed.

Telesoft Technologies is dedicated to providing consumers with the best available network monitoring. As the science improves, so do we. Staying on the cutting edge of new technology is our job, and keeping your job easier is our mission.

If you operate an online business, it’s important that you know the status of your servers and web services at all times. The failure of server hardware or problems with vital services like e-mail could lead to lost sales, and damage the reputation of your business. The best way to track your IT infrastructure is with a network monitoring system. With a proper monitoring setup, you’ll be able to know almost instantly if your servers develop a hardware issue, or if important software services fail.

Notifications can be provided by e-mail, text message, and even by using the Network monitoring dashboard through a browser. Notifications can also be configured to provide status updates to necessary personnel, and update them when the issue has been resolved. Don’t put your business at risk – use a network monitoring system and keep your online services operating, and avoid downtime that can damage your business.