The Importance Of Increasing Email Deliverability

Email Deliverability

The simple logic behind email deliverability is your ability to get an email into the mailbox of the intended recipient. The number of bounce mails you receive determines the success rate of your email campaign. Businesses should ensure that their entire email deliverability is not the weakest link in their operations, and they must pay particular attention to their transactional email deliverability process. Some B2B marketers make the mistake of not considering email deliverability issues as something they should pay attention to because they simply fail to understand its impact on the business. One major factor they should consider is that their present and potential buyers are showing an increased preference for digital or Web based agreement as opposed to talking to a sales agent. Email deliverability has become the critical link between businesses and their customers, and therefore should not be the weakest link in their marketing campaign.

Improving Your Email Deliverability Rate for Transactional Emails

The higher the number of bounce mails you receive, the lower your success rate. It is a simple math with huge implications behind it. Before we go further, there is a particular type of email delivery that should come in for special mention – transactional email delivery.

* Transactional emails are used to communicate information to your customers about a transaction. This would include your welcome messages, password delivery, account verifications that are usually sent after the customer signs up for membership on your web site. It also includes order confirmations, invoices, receipts and shipping notifications. Both you and the customer may lose out if those emails to get lost in transition, but more so you. You risk the possibility of people getting fed up and losing confidence in your brand and reputation.

Transactional emails are legitimate emails that your customers would have permitted you to send, yet up to 20% – 30% of them could be blocked by the IPS as spam mails. This means that of a possible 100 order confirmation forms you sent, 20 to 30 of your customers may not receive them because the emails were blocked and marked as spam. For this reason, you need to have an email delivery tracking system in place that sends prompt alerts and reports on emails that failed to go through. You will need to take necessary actions to satisfy the ISP although it erroneously marked your email as spam.

Protect Your Reputation

Act swiftly to protect your reputation by finding out why your email was marked as spam and correct the issue. It is best to find out the requirements for using your ISP provider (they all have different requirements) and try to identify any rule you may have broken. Leaving it unattended could ruin your identity and reputation and even get you blacklisted. A best practice is to sign up for all the major ISP Feedback Loops and quickly remove the email addresses of people who mark you as spam.

Taking your transactional email deliverability from a possible 70% or 80% to the full 100% will make a huge difference in your sales. Increasing sales is the aim of your marketing campaign, and you can achieve this when you increase your email deliverability.

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Wayne Hemrick is aware of the email deliverability process through online emails. Wayne searches online for email deliverability for further info.