The Future Of Dental Technology

Dental technology has greatly improved over the stereotypical dentist drill that we generally associate with our regular oralexams. With the growing tendency toward personalized care, dental technologyallows dental professionals to help patients feel comfortable and relaxed while visiting the dentist.

Platelet Rich Plasma Accelerates Healing

When patients require more extensive treatment, like the procedures necessary to treat periodontal disease, healing time has been a big issue. More invasive procedures that are essential to treating gum diseaseinclude bone or soft tissue grafting, requiring several days or weeks for complete healing.

Platelet Rich Plasma, however, accelerates the body’snaturally occurring healing processes through releasing growth factors, which stimulate stem cells to produce new tissue quickly and efficiently, thus greatly reducing healing time.

Say Goodbye to Dentures

The regeneration of gum tissue and the bones that support teeth has been practiced by periodontists for several years. Toothregeneration, although it sounds impossible, is a dental technology that may be part of regular dental care sooner than later. Implementing stem cell technologyand advanced engineering, scientists have already experienced success in regenerating teeth in mice.

With this new dental technology, individuals will be able to say goodbye to dental prosthetics like bridges, crowns and dentures, instead enjoying fully functional bioengineered teeth complete with roots, pulp, and enamel.

Laser Lightshow in the Dentist Chair

For patients experiencing advanced stages of periodontal disease, laser technology is even now being implemented as a way to offer safe and effective treatment with less healing time. Requiring the minimum amount of physical cutting, laser technology is a virtuallypain-free alternative to traditional treatments that involve cutting open gum tissue and suturing it back up.

Nanotechnology for Cavity Prevention

Nanotechnology in the dentist office involves dealing with plaque on a particle level. Using silica made from nanoparticles, dentists and hygienists are able to remove harmful plaque from teeth and gums. Because nanoparticles are 90,000 times smaller than a grain of sand, this cleaning method is extremely effective for preventing cavities.

The Future of Dentistry is Also the Present

There are many dental technologies currently used that benefit both patients and dentists.

  • Digital x-rays produce clear images that can be viewed on a monitor at chairside. Highly effective, digital x-rays emit only 10% of the radiation released by traditional x-rays.
  • CEREC, which stands for Chairside Economica Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics (or CEramic REConstruction) uses CAD/CAM technology to restore teeth in one appointment.
  • Invisalign, an alternative for metal braces inorthodontics, help straighten teeth and correct bites with gentle pressure from invisible aligners.

Dental technology, as it grows and develops, can make dental care more affordable while offering pain-free procedures with maximum comfort for patients.

Kelly Wilson is a health writer for Metrotech, a company specializing in dental technology and Dental Equipment Repair in Oregon and Washington.