Techrificway GPS System

Techrificway GPS system

This is a must have software on your mobile phone that will pinpoint your location and navigate you to your location. You really don’t have to worry when you are stuck in a wonder land; with Techrificway GPS system on your device you will get all the landmarks terrain elevation level, junction lane view guidance among others in 3D. In case you are wondering how this sophisticated software works then starts by knowing that this GPS system is powered by NavNGO iGO my way 8 for smartphone.  There are so many terrific features in the Techrificway GPS system that highlights it as the best among many other GPS systems available out there.

Before I go further to the mazing features it has let us first look at the minimum requirements your system should have;

  • QVGA or VGA touch screen display
  • Microsoft Windows Mobile Operating System
  • 64 MB memory (128 MB recommended)
  • 300 MHz processor (400 MHz recommended)

It’s the simplest software you can install in your devise; you actually don’t need to know all those technical names most software comes with. Just buy the devise from any of the vendors in Australia or New Zealand; you will be given a 2 GB Micro SD card with the software inside, also included are Australia and New Zealand maps and the language files. You will be required to buy an adapter if your device doesn’t support Micro SD card. To install the software just insert the Micro SD into your device or adapter for those that doesn’t support Micro SD and off you go, the advantage with Techrificway GPS system is that you don’t need other junk software to clutter your operating system.

Techrificway GPS system has a very cool interface and everything is so responsive. I was typing the name of a street on the screen keyboard and as I typed the system was giving me suggestions which make it easy for you especially if you have forgotten the spelling. However Techrificway has a lot of features which can be sometimes confusing, at other times you may forget how to navigate through other features.

In summary Techrificway has so many cool features I may not be able to mention here like a built in feature to convert text speech to audio,3D landmark and Elevation, lane guidance and junction view Economical route calculation among others.