Five Amazing Bridges Of The World

Humankind has achieved incredible architectural feats over the past few decades, which are arguably most exemplified in the construction of the world’s most amazing bridges. Most would agree that the building of bridges requires a large degree of imagination and ingenuity, no matter the century that they were built. A bridge is also built with… Continue reading Five Amazing Bridges Of The World

Apps to Protect Your Kids in Online World

Today kids are habitual to live in online world more than the world around them. It means they spend most of time in online activities rather than just going with their friends to have fun. This thing creates news issues for parents as online world is full of threats and scams. In this situation what… Continue reading Apps to Protect Your Kids in Online World

Ball Bearings Make The World Go Round

Ball bearings are small metal balls are used within machines to reduce friction between parts and prevent wear and tear on the components. The concept is simple; a rolling component will produce less friction than a sliding component and so the parts will not need to be replaced as often. The idea sprang from as… Continue reading Ball Bearings Make The World Go Round

Excel In The SEO World

Things change on a daily basis in the world of internet marketing or search engine optimization (SEO).  Innovative and more efficient forms of marketing are being introduced every week and it becomes hard for the average business owner to understand what solutions will work best for them.  It is possible to receive affordable SEO help… Continue reading Excel In The SEO World

Is Huawei Set To Dominate The World?

In the west, many are still not yet familiar with Huawei. But in Asia and neighboring countries, Huawei is a telecommunications giant. At the rate it is going, it is set to become a dominant power player in the global telecommunications market. Who is Huawei? Huawei started out in 1987. Its founder, Mr. Ren Zhengfei… Continue reading Is Huawei Set To Dominate The World?

Communication As The World Gets Smaller

How conference calls provide the perfect opportunity for businesses to excel in an ethical manner The world is in an unprecedented age whereby international travel is as easy as jumping into the car and driving down the motorway. At the same time, technology is booming and developing at such a fast rate.  Even as little… Continue reading Communication As The World Gets Smaller

Facebook Enters The Gambling World

The heat has been on Facebook recently to up its game. With user figures not rising as dramatically as they used to, and second quarter earnings reports failing to install confidence in the platform, the firm has been under increasing pressure to change its tactics. One area in particular that has been causing Facebook problems,… Continue reading Facebook Enters The Gambling World

The Five Most Advanced Robots In The World

When robots are mentioned what often comes to mind are cinema’s cyborgs such as Robocop, Terminator and Millennium Man, to name a few.  Perhaps also Star Wars’ C3PO, which is a pure robot, meaning it includes no human component, but is still a sentient and responsive machine, at least as it appears on film. But… Continue reading The Five Most Advanced Robots In The World

The Word To Describe The Modern World – Accessories!

When you sit back and think about just how many gadgets we have these days, whether its mobile phones, IPods, Mp3/4 players or touch screen tablets, it does make you wonder how the world would cope without them sometimes. I mean how would the world cope without mobile phones? I think many people would simply… Continue reading The Word To Describe The Modern World – Accessories!

How Plastic Changed The World

When it comes to plastic there aren’t many products in our home that don’t use it in some form or other. It has become such a diverse material in its ability to withstand extreme temperatures, change shape and be different colours that we use it in everything. Plastic is in the containers which hold your… Continue reading How Plastic Changed The World