Subtitles- Useful vs. Useless

Subtitles are watching and reading simultaneously – like a book in motion. This could be the perfect excuse for your many hours of entertainment being seen as not only entertaining but also educational! Here are a few classic scenarios of subtitles in action… Image by Gwydion M Williams Foreign Favourites Anime is a classic example… Continue reading Subtitles- Useful vs. Useless

Interesting Sites That Are Nearly Useless

The internet is many things to many people. An incredible resource no doubt, a highly useful tool, but also a comment on humanity. The internet is like holding a mirror up to mankind and seeing what’s really on our minds. And it seems that the answer is… quite a lot of nonsense. There are dancing… Continue reading Interesting Sites That Are Nearly Useless

Why Blog Commenting is Now Mostly a Useless Technique

Blog commenting used to be an extremely popular search engine optimization technique. As the importance of links to one’s website became the world’s worst guarded secret, blog commenting was inevitably seen as one of the best methods of obtaining links from various websites. As this information become more widespread, every webmaster soon embarked on a… Continue reading Why Blog Commenting is Now Mostly a Useless Technique