Tweeter Followings With A Bonus

Twitter is one of the essential tools we need, to properly build a following for our brands. It is not just the ‘following’, but twitter also helps to target the followers into remaining loyal, and cashes in that loyalty in form of sales. It is amazing on how this tool has helped bloggers and developers… Continue reading Tweeter Followings With A Bonus

The Secret To Multiplying Your Twitter Followers

To get a lot of followers on Twitter means you are popular. Who wouldn’t like popularity?  As for me, given the chance that I could be one, I will do anything to make a lot of people notice me. Here are some tips to follow if you are thinking of increasing those numbers of followers… Continue reading The Secret To Multiplying Your Twitter Followers

Making Money On Twitter: Five Reliable Ways

Twitter is growing quickly. While it may not rival Facebook’s member count, 500 million total users and 170 million active is nothing to scoff at. For marketers, doing business on Twitter is a good and very necessary offering to have. The great news is that there are five reliable ways to make money on Twitter.… Continue reading Making Money On Twitter: Five Reliable Ways

Why It Is Important To Link Online And Offline Marketing

Now more than ever businesses and advertisers are embracing digital forms of media. Advertisers are reducing the money they spend on TV advertising due to not being able to monitor the number of people that have viewed the ads and an increase in catch-up television and the numbers of people recording programmes to avoid advertisement… Continue reading Why It Is Important To Link Online And Offline Marketing

Disaster And Social Media

Face it: we’re living in the age of technology. You’re hard-pressed these days to come across a young adult who doesn’t have a Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account at the very least, and a large percentage have smartphones so they can be connected to these platforms of interaction whenever they please. It’s a fact we… Continue reading Disaster And Social Media

4 Things Commun.It Does For You (Saving You Time) is an awesome “Twitter Relationship Tool.” It helps to put the peeps back in the tweeps and allow you to truly use Twitter as a way of connecting with people and not just another robotic tool on the internet that broadcasts your messages one way. This article will show you four things that… Continue reading 4 Things Commun.It Does For You (Saving You Time)

What Happens To Your Social Network Profiles When You Die?

Image: Michael Coghlan What will happen to your social media accounts when you die? Unlike previous generations, present and future generations have invested a significant amount of time and money into their online identity. Your profiles for these social networks are hugely important in the role of society. Our lives are inherently digital; we have… Continue reading What Happens To Your Social Network Profiles When You Die?

Remedy A Holiday Accident Using Twitter

Having a holiday accident can not only spoil your break but also cause long-term injury. Holiday accidents are becoming more common and road accidents are now the most common type of holiday accident. However, slips and trips, falls from height such as balconies, and swimming pool accidents regularly make the headlines. Twitter is one of… Continue reading Remedy A Holiday Accident Using Twitter