Can Blekko Beat Google?

Since the official launch of his initiative “blekko”, Rich Skrenta has tried to differentiate his search engine from other, major search engines by challenging them on issues like spam , privacy and transperncy. The most apparent difference between Blekko and other horizontal search engines is the use of “slashtags” — custom search engines that are… Continue reading Can Blekko Beat Google?

How Technological Developments are Propelling Cloud Storage Growth

There is much discussion about the alarming speed that digital data is growing and the technologies available to provide for the storage of that data. But why are we suddenly experiencing such a marked increase in data growth? First, we should differentiate between the two types of data produced. Unstructured data includes files such as… Continue reading How Technological Developments are Propelling Cloud Storage Growth

How Does Mobile Technology Support Learning?

Behold, the future of education has gone portable Today, we are using our iPods, Blackberries and MP3 players in more ways than ever before. These portable, digital devices, once primarily reserved for listening to music, watching videos, and sending and receiving quick instant messages, have now evolved into learning support tools that are now considered… Continue reading How Does Mobile Technology Support Learning?

Latest Top Gadgets Setting A Trend In The Market

We always keep ourselves up to date with the latest top gadgets that rule the market. Gadget freaks are always on the lookout for the latest developed gadgets. Every year, different sets, styles and designs of gadgets are being introduced to satisfy the needs of the consumers. Different versions and designs are being developed to… Continue reading Latest Top Gadgets Setting A Trend In The Market

3 Tips to Creating Effective Videos to Promote Your Business

Online videos have been a growing trend, with everything from news to music to how-to videos being used by local businesses to build and promote their brand and customer base. And with stats from different surveys showing that not only the trend in producing videos is growing, but that the trend in the online viewer… Continue reading 3 Tips to Creating Effective Videos to Promote Your Business