Looking forward to 2011: Mobile Computing

2010 affirmed one thing: we cannot predict how mobile computing devices will change over a few months, let alone an entire year. It is possible that smartphones and tablets could completely eliminate netbooks, it is possible that devices like Modu could change smartphones forever, it is possible that future laptops will not store any data… Continue reading Looking forward to 2011: Mobile Computing

Proven Methods to Improve Windows Vista’s Performance

If your brand new PC with Windows Vista is giving you a trouble in performance there are a few things you can do to ensure that it works to its fullest potential by paying attention a few things. The first thing you must remember is that you need space, Windows Vista will not perform properly… Continue reading Proven Methods to Improve Windows Vista’s Performance

Decrease ISO Setting for More Digital Memory

If you are climbing the hills or mountaineering with digital camera, there are two issues to be settled before you start your trip. One is your camera should manage digital memory and the other is battery life should be lengthy, since there is no way you could charge it over the mountains. The camera should… Continue reading Decrease ISO Setting for More Digital Memory

How To Install Windows 7 On Mac

Anyone or everyone who owns a Mac has at some point faced a situation wherein they have had the need to use Windows on their computer. There may be cases where particular software are only compatible with Windows and running them will require installing the same on your Mac. Detailed below is a step- by-step… Continue reading How To Install Windows 7 On Mac

A Mouse of Arc Touch from Microsoft

This Mouse is an attractive device which has given more importance to its shape than its function. Features: It has an outstanding style and look which is comfortable for carrying. It has a powerful sensor, wireless receiver, and a track pad which is touch sensitive. This is available for $80.

Nokia’s Sorry Story: Mistakes and Misunderstandings (Part 1)

September 2006 – The Nokia N95 is announced. Nokia is a popular company, and the N95 is hailed as the next step in mobile computing. Its share price starts to rise, and hits a high towards the end of 2007. Januray 2007 – The iPhone is announced. The world enters a state of hysteria. Steve… Continue reading Nokia’s Sorry Story: Mistakes and Misunderstandings (Part 1)