7 Smartphone Car Apps Every Driver Should Have

Smartphones can make your life easier in a million different ways. Whether you are cooking, traveling, or shopping online, your smartphone can make each experience richer, quicker, and better. Using your smartphone wisely while driving can help you bring down your car insurance rates by enabling you to drive safer and better. Your car insurance… Continue reading 7 Smartphone Car Apps Every Driver Should Have

Do Not Pass Go. Reasons Bloggers Must Watch What They Say.

Many bloggers think they are allowed to do and say whatever they want. This naive outlook can ruin a blogger’s career. Or worse. Most bloggers understand that there are serious penalties for stealing content. However, they may not realize how serious certain statements are. Countries around the world have cracked down on bloggers for making… Continue reading Do Not Pass Go. Reasons Bloggers Must Watch What They Say.

A User Review of Park Rush HD for iPhone

In Park Rush HD, you get to run frantically around a parking lot, trying to get cars parked and retrieved for short-tempered customers with a bad attitude. You get to mage the whole parking lot in the persona of either Lilian or Johnny – you get to choose who you want to play as when… Continue reading A User Review of Park Rush HD for iPhone