GOMO Portal is Introduced to Help you Mobilize

“GoMo” refer to the term the conversion of website to the mobile phone compatible version. In recent past the importance of need of website which is also compatible with the mobile phone was felt not necessary. However with the ever increasing competition in the online marketing the webmaster and the businessmen start thinking it useful… Continue reading GOMO Portal is Introduced to Help you Mobilize

Smartphone Screens – A Comprehensive Guide for those Looking to Buy a Smart-Phone

In good old days, there were mobiles with a few black and white pixels on a screen of the size of calculator screen panel. Latter they grew into 256k color screens ranging from 1.5 to 2 inch size. They were still heavily pixilated and grainy. A bit further in time, screens matured into decent 320×240… Continue reading Smartphone Screens – A Comprehensive Guide for those Looking to Buy a Smart-Phone