What Does Cloud Computing Mean For You?

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing is a new buzzword being used where the meaning of the term is somewhat misleading. We think of the term ‘cloud’ and the old image of a cloud on network diagrams comes to mind. This cloud was used to describe the internet. So it follows that cloud computing should… Continue reading What Does Cloud Computing Mean For You?

Dear Entrepreneur, Are You Familiar With The New F-Word?

There is an F-word that has been on the lips of all people and that is FACEBOOK. It is quite amazing that when you go to colleges, universities, workplaces and in our homes Facebook has become the order of the day.

Must Try Local Marketing Ideas

There is so much hype surrounding online businesses and people are in awe of giant corporations. However, the idea of running a local business may actually be more exciting than handling any of two business models just mentioned. When you think of it, local businesses allow you to mingle and rub elbows with people from… Continue reading Must Try Local Marketing Ideas

Safety Precautions In Social Media

We are existing in a humanity of data burden. In fact, the utterance of “burden” is even an irony. Left, right, front, back and side to side – far and wide you can see that there are reports, narrative, a blog post, a tweet and the people is talking about it all day long. From… Continue reading Safety Precautions In Social Media

How To Target The 1%

Have you considered targeting a market of people who have money to spend and not just anyone who might look your way? There is a group of 11 million people categorized as “affluent” who account for over half of consumer spending in the US. Most have middle-class backgrounds and continue to pursue middle-class lifestyles. These… Continue reading How To Target The 1%

Five Benefits Of HR Software

HR software is utilised by a number of businesses in order to facilitate the operation of certain business procedures. This allows the business to concentrate on other areas, thus increasing the overall success of the company by promoting growth.

Signs You Should Replace Your Computer With a New One

Computer technology progresses so quickly that your computer will most likely become obsolete before it breaks down. Hardware problems such as a failed hard drive or power source can be fixed simply by buying a new part, which is almost always cheaper than buying a new computer. Protecting your digital content is a requirement. Software… Continue reading Signs You Should Replace Your Computer With a New One

Skype: Growing In Power And Popularity

Skype is a superb VoIP service application that has grown extremely well over recent years in both its quality of service and popularity not just among young people but also the older generations as well. What is really great about Skype is that it is a free application that you can easily download within minutes,… Continue reading Skype: Growing In Power And Popularity

Google+. What’s The Difference?

If you have already succumbed to the call of Google+, you are probably asking yourself what all the fuss is about, and indeed what is the difference between it and any other social network out there – i.e. Facebook. You could also quite possibly be wondering, what is the point? Yet another social network status… Continue reading Google+. What’s The Difference?

10 Most Technically Advanced Printers On The Market

Are you looking to buy a brand new printer but are not sure which one to get? Here’s a list of 10 technically advanced models that have been designed to impress. 1. Polaroid GL10 Instant Mobile Printer Polaroid GL10 Instant Mobile Printer Image Source The GL10 Instant Mobile Printer is the first product from Lady… Continue reading 10 Most Technically Advanced Printers On The Market