How The Consumer Privacy Bill Of Rights Will Affect Small Business Marketing

If you’re a small business owner, you may think that the recent introduction of the Obama Administration’s Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights doesn’t apply to you or your venture. But the truth is that it does. And understanding how it could impact your business is of the utmost importance. Will You Be Limited? The first… Continue reading How The Consumer Privacy Bill Of Rights Will Affect Small Business Marketing

Getting Organized

Organization is a key element of every successful person. A disorganized person ends up getting very frustrated in life. Every aspect needs one to be very organized and this will enhance their planning skills. The web designers and developers are no exception and they need to get organized in order to optimize their potential.

A User Review of Park Rush HD for iPhone

In Park Rush HD, you get to run frantically around a parking lot, trying to get cars parked and retrieved for short-tempered customers with a bad attitude. You get to mage the whole parking lot in the persona of either Lilian or Johnny – you get to choose who you want to play as when… Continue reading A User Review of Park Rush HD for iPhone