8 Easy Ways To Go Green In Your Home

The green initiative is no longer just a fad – it’s something that people around the world actually care about and are working toward. By going green, we can conserve the earth’s precious energy sources where we can, because it only takes one small step to start a mass reaction. Are you doing your part?… Continue reading 8 Easy Ways To Go Green In Your Home

3 Ways Technology has Changed the Way We Travel

When my father booked our first family trip to Disney World, it was an ordeal. We had to visit the travel agent’s office a few times, and each time we examined a different vacation package. It was something like renting an apartment. Of course, this was back in 1988. When we booked a family vacation… Continue reading 3 Ways Technology has Changed the Way We Travel

How to Dress Like a Nerd in Five Easy Steps

We largely have hipsters to thank for the “nerd”, “gamer” and “geek” looks coming into style in recent years. In essence it’s another of those fashion trends that, while claiming to be inspired by a particular subculture, reflects nothing of the truth of it. If thick rimmed glasses with fake lenses and a “witty” T-shirt… Continue reading How to Dress Like a Nerd in Five Easy Steps

Easy Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

Effective marketing is one of the most important tools of a successful small business. From building brand awareness to acquiring leads and sales, marketing is absolutely invaluable. The three tips below are easy to follow for small businesses, and are an effective way to increase revenue! Know Your Customer Many successful businesses will paint a… Continue reading Easy Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

5 Easy Ways To Monitor Your Website

Unless your website is purely recreational, you have undoubtedly invested a great deal of time and possibly money into perfecting your special place on the web. It may be your business calling card, your non-profit’s community organizing hub, or your professional portfolio and resume site. Regardless of the purpose, you want its hosting to be… Continue reading 5 Easy Ways To Monitor Your Website

5 Effective And Easy Ways Of Winning The Social Media Content

Social media marketing is every bit equipped to give you the right amount and degree of awareness, connections, exposure with the ultimate result in augmenting your sales and awareness. However, the issue is that not everyone is aware about the correct ways and use of social media networking. With the fact very known to people… Continue reading 5 Effective And Easy Ways Of Winning The Social Media Content

Bloggers Are Creative Creatures – Easy Ways To Get Inspired

Anyone who has a blog knows that it takes effort to keep it alive. It doesn’t matter how great of a writer a person is, there comes a time when our work needs a boost. At times, the topic well has dried up while other times it all blurs and looks the same. If looking… Continue reading Bloggers Are Creative Creatures – Easy Ways To Get Inspired

Easy Ways to Protect Your Digital Content

In this article I will go over a few of my favorite ways of protecting digital content. Since today almost everything we do is now stored in a digital form of some kind. This includes our digital pictures from our cameras, cell phones, camcorders to our creative works which could be word documents, powerpoint presentations, Photoshop images, digital art, journal entries, and the list goes on and on.

Creating Notes Made Easy with SimpleNote – Iphone Application Review

As what its name implies, SimpleNote is an IPhone application which allows users to jot down notes, reminders, or short write-ups in a neat and easy-to-use manner. It comes in handy for those people who want to create notes in a simple and laid back process. The feature is basically designed in a very simple… Continue reading Creating Notes Made Easy with SimpleNote – Iphone Application Review