What Does The Kitchen Of Tomorrow Look Like?

                When I was younger I was always a fan of the Jetsons. Technically I knew that the Flinstones was better written and probably funnier, but for me the appeal with the Jetsons was always the future setting. I loved technology even as a child and I loved imagining ways it would improve our lives.… Continue reading What Does The Kitchen Of Tomorrow Look Like?

How Does Broadband Internet Work

When you get on your computer, you may take it for granted that you will be able to access the Internet. However, do you know how broadband Internet works? Here is a brief overview of how you get on the Internet to access pages such as Facebook and Twitter. Without a working Internet connection, you… Continue reading How Does Broadband Internet Work

How Does A Hydraulic Press Brake Work?

Hydraulic press brakes are common sights in many industrial environments.  Basically, a press brake is a machine that is used to bend and shape different sheet metal products.  The power of the hydraulic system creates the force necessary to compress the metal into new shapes.  Press brakes are invaluable pieces of equipment that make the… Continue reading How Does A Hydraulic Press Brake Work?

Does Your Hosting Package Include Softaculous?

Softaculous is a very popular auto installer that is used within the web hosting environment. The core of the software includes various scripts and over a 1000 PHP classes. It allows you to install all the well-known applications with the click of a single button. It unlocks time that would be wasted putting together applications… Continue reading Does Your Hosting Package Include Softaculous?

4 Things Commun.It Does For You (Saving You Time)

Commun.it is an awesome “Twitter Relationship Tool.” It helps to put the peeps back in the tweeps and allow you to truly use Twitter as a way of connecting with people and not just another robotic tool on the internet that broadcasts your messages one way. This article will show you four things that Commun.it… Continue reading 4 Things Commun.It Does For You (Saving You Time)

Does Your Business Need A Telephone Maintenance Contract?

Does Your Business Need a Telephone Maintenance Contract? Deciding whether or not your business requires a telephone maintenance contract is an important process that needs to be given the careful consideration it deserves. There are a number of reasons to seek out third-party telephone maintenance, not all of which may be immediately apparent. The following… Continue reading Does Your Business Need A Telephone Maintenance Contract?

What Does Local Search Mean For Small Local Businesses?

In the past, search engines worked on an Internet-wide basis. In order to find a local business, the location had to be included in the search query. Today, most major search engines can detect where the user is located and adjust results accordingly. Because of this, search engine results now vary depending upon where the… Continue reading What Does Local Search Mean For Small Local Businesses?

Does Your Business Need A Bespoke Phone System?

Does Your Business Need a Bespoke Phone System? A bespoke phone system can be chosen by any business in order to provide it with the right kind of telecoms set-up and technology to operate efficiently in the modern world. However, not every business needs a bespoke phone system, so it is necessary to work out… Continue reading Does Your Business Need A Bespoke Phone System?

Does My Business Need A Platform Lift?

There are many things which you need to bear in mind when you first plan to open a business. First off many business owners find it difficult finding a property to suit their business in a desirable location. It may be the case that a property does open up to you in the right area… Continue reading Does My Business Need A Platform Lift?

How Does Google Work?

Looking at Google now you would never think that it started off as college project by two people in Stanford University’s Ph.D. program. Larry Page and Sergey Brin simply wanted to create an efficient search engine that gave users relevant links to their queries. What started off so humbly is now a multibillion dollar corporation… Continue reading How Does Google Work?