The Compressed Air Car: Fantasy Or Fact?

When you think of compressed air, you probably think of canned air you use to clean a keyboard, or maybe the compressor that you use to air up your tires. However, compressed air can also be used as a source of energy to power a vehicle. In an effort to find an alternative to gasoline,… Continue reading The Compressed Air Car: Fantasy Or Fact?

LED Technology – Then And Now

You’ve Come a Long Way! LED Technology has indeed come a very long way from its humble beginnings as a tiny red beacon of light. This article attempts to take a trip down memory lane, revisiting LED’s humble beginning to its new heights of success. Coded Red LEDs LED Technology began life as a small… Continue reading LED Technology – Then And Now

A Connection Between Climate Change And Forest Fires?

Climate change is an issue that is hard to ignore; the evidence certainly points to it happening. A recent report by Climate Communication indicated that over the last decade there have been twice as many heat waves as extreme low temperatures and if the Earth was neither warming nor cooling, there should be a similar… Continue reading A Connection Between Climate Change And Forest Fires?

Welding Where You Might Not Expect It

Skilled welders can be found in many industries, but there are only four categories of welding work: artisan, custom, structural repair, and construction. A welder can work in new building construction, or they can get a job welding custom motorcycle parts. Advancing technology has brought tremendous change to the welding industry over the last decade,… Continue reading Welding Where You Might Not Expect It

Lady Gaga Rules Twitter, U2 And Bon Jovi Rule The Road

I don’t think I really need to say it, but I will. Twitter. Is. Huge. Between celebrities, comedians, brands, nerds, jocks, average Joes, and even a politician or two, there’s not a place in the (real) world that boasts such a diverse population of people. OK, maybe Hollywood, but that’s about it. While it seems… Continue reading Lady Gaga Rules Twitter, U2 And Bon Jovi Rule The Road

Is 3D Printing the Next Big Step?

Image by: Creative Tools It is the stuff of the most grandiose science fiction; being able to tap the buttons of a futuristic console and have a 3D object materialise in front of you. For many years the idea of 3D printing, or ‘additive manufacturing’ to give it a slightly more technical name, seemed destined… Continue reading Is 3D Printing the Next Big Step?

Communication As The World Gets Smaller

How conference calls provide the perfect opportunity for businesses to excel in an ethical manner The world is in an unprecedented age whereby international travel is as easy as jumping into the car and driving down the motorway. At the same time, technology is booming and developing at such a fast rate.  Even as little… Continue reading Communication As The World Gets Smaller

How New Technology Can Serve Education

The last 20 years has seen the development of some great technology, and it has made its way into the education industry over the past decade. The last 20 years has seen the development of some mind-blowing technology, and we have watched it make its way into the education industry over the past decade. As… Continue reading How New Technology Can Serve Education

How Technological Developments are Propelling Cloud Storage Growth

There is much discussion about the alarming speed that digital data is growing and the technologies available to provide for the storage of that data. But why are we suddenly experiencing such a marked increase in data growth? First, we should differentiate between the two types of data produced. Unstructured data includes files such as… Continue reading How Technological Developments are Propelling Cloud Storage Growth