Technology Your Business Needs To Save Money and Improve Efficiency

These days, companies are looking for ways to save money and improve efficiency. The economy is not at its best, so it behooves companies to find ways to cut costs. There are various technological methods to employ with guaranteed success. Manage Projects Online There is no need to keep a hand written “To Do” list.… Continue reading Technology Your Business Needs To Save Money and Improve Efficiency

6 Of The Most Common Technology Challenges That Today’s Businesses Face

Many businesses continue to receive increased returns from their investments due to the utilization of IT resources. However, many companies are still not doing enough because of endless technology challenges. Below are some of the most common technology challenges that today’s businesses face. Information Security One of the top technology challenges that many of today’s… Continue reading 6 Of The Most Common Technology Challenges That Today’s Businesses Face

Common Mistakes Your Business May Be Guilty Of That Is Costing You Money

When it comes to operating a business the right way, often it is the little mistakes that end up costing your business the most over the long term. Common mistakes will typically be viewed as unimportant or go unnoticed by managers and business owners alike. As with a lot of systems, a lot of little… Continue reading Common Mistakes Your Business May Be Guilty Of That Is Costing You Money

How To Avoid Vendor Lock-In

Vendor lock-in occurs when it’s difficult, expensive or impossible to switch from one service provider to another. This problem remains common in cloud computing systems, including email and database hosting. A recent survey found that 35 percent of businesses hesitate to use the cloud because of vendor lock-in. However, companies and consumers struggled with this issue long… Continue reading How To Avoid Vendor Lock-In