Locking Up Your Gat

Who else do you want touching your guns while they are in your home?  Your kids, your wife, your dog?  Look around yourself and realize you need to have your gun locked up not just unloaded.  And lock it up so that only you can crack open the safe. This is of course assuming that… Continue reading Locking Up Your Gat

How Useful Are Biometric ID cards?

Biometric ID cards have extensive value for businesses, but also carry some drawbacks. Cards that employ biometric technology primarily focus on identifying people through their physical features, from hand prints to eye and facial recognition. Biometric cards have become a crucial part of airport security and other institutions, and have also developed to the point… Continue reading How Useful Are Biometric ID cards?

Hanvon has Redefined Innovation and Style

Since 1988, Hanvon is creating innovative and trendy products to facilitate the people. Hanvon is a World leader in intelligent pattern recognition technology. It also provides design and development of handwriting recognition. Hanvon Biometric and Optical Character Recognition provides it an edge over other companies that provide consumer electronics.