Social Media Mastery: Tips for Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Business

1165445_www_5Are you a LinkedIn user? Utilizing the network can help you expand your business fast. The social site of business professionals caters to a more sophisticated crowd of entrepreneurs, eager to grow their business networks. Since you are dealing with serious entrepreneurs it makes sense to share your opportunity in a responsible manner. Otherwise you will wind up turning off otherwise hungry, eager prospects with your unprofessional behavior.

Sharing value and making connections is the name of the LinkedIn game. Visiting niche specific groups helps you grow your network from a targeted approach. Instead of spinning your wheels for days, weeks or month you will connect with individuals who are ready and willing to buy your product, purchase your service or join your home based or offline business opportunity. Intelligently working the networking site can help you stand out as an authority, which grows your business quite quickly. Most people use LinkedIn ineffectively, posting their business link day after day to their personal profile page or on LinkedIn groups related to their niche. This practice repels even the most understanding individuals because we all tire in dealing with a desperate greedy person.

Let Go Outcomes to Work LinkedIn Effectively

You are not trying to grow your business directly using LI so stop posting your squeeze page all day long. Focus instead of helping people and making friends. Helping people means sharing value-packed, targeted content on groups with professionals who are interested in joining your opportunity. As you share value people will need to learn more about you and your opportunity. This leads to another opt in, subscriber and you are well on your way to building a relationship with your target audience.

Let go outcomes to reach this place. By letting go you free yourself to grow easily. The real chore lies in focusing on meeting people and creating content on a persistent basis.

Create Big Value to Become Valuable

If you create steady value and share your content on LinkedIn you can more easily attract people to you who are interested in your business. Imagine yourself laying out breadcrumbs of content on a persistent basis. As you slowly and steadily give individuals the content and solutions they desire, to solve their problems, you will naturally attract people to you who need whatever your business has to offer.

Be patient. Using an attraction marketing approach can only help individuals who steadily churn out content and share with their networks each day. Be content to create and share before you see any massive returns. In the long run you will build up your name, which helps you gain the trust of your target market over time.

Make Strong Connections with Individuals to Increase Your Network

Growing your network remains one of the quickest ways to expand your presence on LinkedIn. Imagine 15, 30 or 50 people sharing your latest blog posts and videos on LinkedIn? These individuals can quickly expand your presence and make your job as an online entrepreneur so much easier. Why strain and strive to grow your business by yourself when you can grow an army of supportive, nurturing friends who will grow your business for you.

Be a friend to become a friend. Take the time to share your friend’s content, Like their updates, post valuable comments on their profiles and you will never lack for friends or promotion from your network. Whatever it is that you want, give it away. This strategy works perfectly on LinkedIn or any other social networking website you use to grow your online or offline business.

Kelli Cooper is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about all things social media; she recommends you check out Aviva for a listing of quality sites that can help you in your internet marketing efforts.

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